"We don't know his powers, not really," she replied as she brushed a hand through her hair. "What if every time he comes back he's different? What if every time he uses it he loses a part of himself?"

  "So he might accidentally give his love for you to a lightbulb or something?"

  Megan could only give a small shrug of her shoulders.

  Amira chewed upon her lip as she mulled over something in her head. "Why? Why do you think that could happen?"

  "He just... He seems to change so much. We seem to make progress and he opens up and is being super awesome, and then he just shuts down again. I didn't see him for months and I still don't even know why. Everything was great, and then nothing, then he rocks back up and we're together again, and I love it, but I'm not sure he isn't just gonna change again."

  Amira exhaled. "Yep, I get that. Look, I... It isn't my place to say anything."

  Pixie cocked an eyebrow. "So there's something to say?"

  "I can't-"

  "Nothing else in there," Seren cut her off as she exited the room, cracking her back as she went. "Outside the fucked up bodies, of course. So we should probably bounce."

  "Why?" asked Amira. "It looks like they abandoned this place ages ago."

  "Well if you love the stench of slowly rotting flesh, then I'll set you up a bed. But I ain't so sure this place is abandoned. All the research left behind? Seems like they thought whatever they had here was promising, not something you just abandon because somebody messes up."

  "So what then?" asked Megan as she slipped from the desk.

  "They're still experimenting," Amira muttered. "Watching. Seeing what happens." She glanced about the ceiling and clenched her jaw as she spotted a small, dark shape in the corner. "They have cameras."

  Megan's eyes went wide. "So why haven't they come after us already?"

  Amira chewed her lip. "Because he's watching us. He wants us to see. He wants..." Her body went tense. "He wants us distracted. He's going after Cody and Darktruth!"


John Hunter Hospital

"Whatta ya mean my death?" Darktruth asked as he spun and fired several rounds at a cloaked figure that charged at him, only to dive aside to the hot lead. "You may not know me, but I kinda have trouble dying."

  The young woman Gavriella's blade flashed about as she deflected several attempted slashes from one of the White Eagle's, before the tip of her blade slashed their arm and through their sleeve to draw blood. "So far. But you have no idea who you're fighting. They're not exactly fond of half-measures. I should know."

"So what? They stabbed Cody just so they could make sure I was extra certain dead? Sure he'd love to hear that."

  Gavriella shook her head as she nimbly stepped back until she was beside him, blade pointed at the Eagle who studied her from beneath their hood. "You're just collateral."

  Darktruth cracked his jaw. "They want Amira."

  Gavriella's body froze at the name, and the Eagle took their opportunity. They were upon her before a gasp could even leave her throat. She raised her blade as Darktruth spun with his gun, yet both were far too slow as the curved blades sliced the air towards her.

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