Chapter 27

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Bai Xinyu froze and said: "Play with what?"

"Come train with me."

"I've just had lunch, I'm burnt out, there's no point in training."

"Go if you're told to." Yu Fengcheng dragged him to his feet.

Feng Dongyuan stood up and said, "I'll go with you, it's a good time to digest..."

"No." Yu Fengcheng looked at Feng Dongyuan and said, "I'll give him a small meal, what are you doing with it."

Feng Dongyuan was stunned, he remembered that Yu Fengcheng was usually quite polite to him, why did he seem a bit hostile today? He thought about it, he couldn't remember when he had offended Yu Fengcheng.

Bai Xinyu was dragged to the playground by Yu Fengcheng, he muttered unhappily, "The sergeant said not to exercise vigorously after eating, it makes your stomach droop."

"I didn't tell you to exercise vigorously." Yu Fengcheng pushed him over to the stone bench and said, "Sit down." and sat down himself.

Bai Xinyu sat down unsure, looked around and said, "Why did you bring me here."

Yu Fengcheng had no idea what he was doing, he just didn't want to see Bai Xinyu and Feng Dongyuan rolling around, he looked at Bai Xinyu askance and said, "Talk."

"Talk?" Bai Xinyu whispered: "Who wants to talk to you."

"If you don't want to talk, shut up and sit down."

"No, what's wrong with you, you're not taking a break in the middle of the day, you want me to sit here with you."

Yu Fengcheng grinned: "Yeah, what can you do?"

Bai Xinyu clenched his fist, he didn't dare to get angry, he saw that people were coming and going in the playground, Yu Fengcheng didn't dare to do anything to him, he slapped the stone table and said, "Okay, talking, okay, let me ask you, when we were young, at my cousin's grandfather's house, what did we do? at my cousin's grandfather's house, what did we do? What did we play?"

Yu Fengcheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You're three years older than me, you're asking me?"

"But I don't remember."

"Why don't you ask your brother, he'll remember." Yu Fengcheng glanced at Bai Xinyu and said, "I told you, you taught me some great games, I'll tell you all about them when I get the chance."

"What chance? Isn't there plenty of time for that?"

Yu Fengcheng smiled and said, "Some games are not suitable for here."

"You're not telling me anything, I'll tell you, I..."

"Yu Fengcheng." Liang Xiaomao came running from a distance, "The Company Commander is calling you over."

Yu Fengcheng was a bit surprised, he got up and left immediately.

Bai Xinyu was suspicious, I don't know what Yu Fengcheng was trying to do with his appetite but he could finally go back to his lunch break.

After Yu Fengcheng leaves, Liang Xiaomao looked at Bai Xinyu with a smile on his face.

Bai Xinyu glared at him, "What's the matter, you've never seen a beautiful man before."

Liang Xiaomao gave a slow "bah" and said, "I'm just curious, how did you end up with Yu Fengcheng."

"What... When the fuck did I suck up to him? Do you have eyes on your belly button?" He wanted to rocket away from Yu Fengcheng and suck up?

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