"Miss Darius, your father is waiting for you downstairs." me and Jaheim walked downstairs to find our father and laurel sitting in his office. He looked different from the photos mum showed us. He had low cut hair and a much older face, although he still looked like the man from the photos.

"Alisa, Jaheim." he stood up and gave us both hug, we stood there emotionless. I and my brother argued most of the time, but one thing we can agree on is our father is a complete stranger and for once in my life, I felt sad.

"Hello to you too dad. Hows-

"Yo, what’s going-" A tall figure walked in, followed by another.

"Adam?" I asked.


"ADAM" I jumped up and ran up to him, embracing him in a big hug. OMG I could feel tears falling down my face. It’s been too long.  Releasing him, I took a long look at him: he had his hair in cornrows and was wearing polo t-shirt, with some smart brown trousers, Nike blazers and some very expensive watch.

"Baby sis, where have you been seriously and Jaheim, wow you’re nearly as tall as me." Jaheim smiled, first have seen in a while and embraced Adam. He winced and Adam quickly pulled away realising he was pressing against his stomach. Over my shoulder I could see another guy, I don't remember him.

"Oh sorry, let me introduce you to Jacob, your step brother- my son." I looked at this guy with a big afro and big brown eyes; he was dressed in a blazer and tie like he was going to some important meeting.

"erm nice to meet you" extending my arm out. He shook it quickly and mumbled. I swear he said shame I could say the same.

"Dinner is served" we all turned around to see a maid standing there. How many maids are here? My dad ushered us to the dining room. We sat down as a maid started plating up the food. It was so enticing, I forgot I was hungry. Looking over at Jaheim, he didn't hesitate and had already started eating, I started to as well.


After dinner my dad sat down with both me and Jaheim in the living room, it was hard to take it all in, with the huge chandelier dangling from the ceiling. Wow.

"Listen, Alisa in two days, you'll be starting school, but you'll come home after six weeks as there's half term, then after the half term, your brother will be returning with you, by then he would have healed enough." 

"What do you mean?" me and Jaheim looked at him.

"It’s a boarding school Alisa-

"What? Seriously? We haven't been here five minutes and your already getting rid of us."

"It’s not like that, your brother went there, Jacob is going there, and it’s the best school in England." I calmed down a bit, guessing if Adam went there it couldn't be that bad. 

"Dad, if its boarding school what's Jacob doing home?" He smiled flashing his white teeth.

"I told him to come home, so you'll recognise his face, for when you return with him on Sunday, that way you won't feel alone." I guess he was being considerate. Jaheim stood up and began walking out, he didn’t say anything.


"Just leave him, he needs time to adjust" Dad handed me a brochure of the school, it looked humongous and worthy. I flicked through it. It had everything from swimming pool to music room, launderette, and a mini church wow. Now I can't wait to go.

"Tomorrow's Saturday, I could get Adam to show around London, see what it’s about before you go school. How about that? Nodding I walked out, skipping to Jaheim's room. I knocked.

"It’s me let me in" he replied and I walked in. he was sitting cross-legged on the bed, holding mum's present. Looking at his room, it didn't look any different to mine. I got closer and looked at the present; it was a photo of me, mum and Jaheim on his 10th birthday.


Three years ago, Jaheim had woken up that morning to find that I and mum had decorated the living room, to honour his birthday. He was so happy, especially when the cake came out in a shape of batman's mask and we had given him the special edition comic for his birthday. We didn't have much but mum had been saving up. Uncle James came as well with his special camera, one of those fancy ones that must had cost a lot. He took a picture of us right there in our PJ, I guess that day was one of the happiest days of our lives.


"Hey you ok?" he looked up at me with tears in his eyes, he wiped them away.

"Oh my God" straightaway I went to sit opposite him

"I miss mum" he was full on crying now.

"I don't wanna be here" I told him it will be okay, he has me, we are both in this together. He stopped crying and bowed his head down.

"I don't hate you, you know, I was angry at you, I knew it wasn't your fault. I’m sorry." I chuckled

"Oh is Jaheim going soft on me now?" I said in a baby voice as I pulled his cheeks. He waved my hands away.

"Shut up, tell and I'll reveal all your most embarrassing secret" Cringing, I climbed off his bed and walked to the door

"I love you sis" he sighed as he popped his earphones in.

"Love you too" shutting the door, I bumped straight into Jacob.  I don't think he likes us, but if he touches me or my brother. I will show him kids from the ghetto aren't that easy to be messed with.

"What's wrong, seen a ghost" I said nothing.

"Listen and listen carefully, you and your brother might have my mum and dad wrapped around your little finger, but you aren't fooling anyone. But let me tell you something, the moment we reach school, don't act like you know me, we aren't related. Otherwise I will make your life hell. You understand?" shiver ran down my spine. For one second, I actually thought he was the devil's spawn. Looking at him, I smiled.

"Your father, you mean mine right? It’s ok I forgive you" for a moment he flinched.

"Aww did I hit a nerve? Ooops" he grabbed my arm, pressing down hard. I punched him in the stomach and he let go of me.

"Let me tell you something, I grew in the hood, where I was specifically ‘trained’ for people like you. You don't scare me. Two can play that game" I began walking off.

"That might have been back in Brooklyn, but your here on my territory." they way he said it, made something horrible settle in my stomach. Slumping myself onto my bed, I cried until I drifted to sleep.


Next chapter some will be in Diggy's point of view...finally.

MAKE YOU MINE (Diggy Simmons/ Keke Palmer LOVE story <3)Where stories live. Discover now