You Know I'm Gonna Get You

110 6 1

Originally Posted: 2/7/21

Edited: 5/14/21

edited by DannyGrimes0


Kirishima walks down the forest trail, jumping from rock to rock, and some high piles of dirt.

He's headed for the cove, a pond of water that turns into a lake each summer. It's his favorite place, only a few people from the island go here, because the walk is annoying, and the walk back is pretty much all hills, so it's not for the faint of heart. However, he loves this walk. It is so peaceful with no sounds, no people, just him and the trees, with the wildlife. Of course, he rarely sees those, apart from birds, squirrels, other small critters, that's all he found. So this walk was fun, with the bonus of seeing something.

What's not fun is kicking off fallen branches, and plants. There was a rather powerful storm last night. If the beach is covered in the wreckage, he might spend his day cleaning up; it's the least he could do for the wildlife.

He turned the last corner of trees, emerging on top of the cove shore.

He sighed. The white sand was covered with dead seaweed, and broken branches. He saw a few common fish lying dead on the shore, frowned, and began looking around at the large rocks.

He looked closer, that didn't look like dead seaweed. It was blonde? Or yellow? With orange.

He walked closer, his focus completely on it.

Each step felt heavy, it almost seemed stupid, sneaking up on a yellow blob. It was probably just a person relaxing on the beach, just chilling by the water. So when he got close enough without peering over the rock, he spoke. "Hello." He said.

It was a person! Their heads snapped up, eyes wide, and they looked scared; no, not scared... horrified.

"Hey, you ok?" They didn't move, they froze like a deer caught in headlights. It freaked him out, "H-hey, are you ok?" he whispered, gently reaching his hand out. It was so close to the other man, that in a split second the blonde boy snapped. His pupils turned to slits, and he bit down into Kirishima's hand. He yanked back, and the blonde's fangs dragged through his hand, causing long scratching along his hand, down to his fingers.

"FUCK!" He screamed, stumbling back.

The blonde guy leaps for the water, that's when Kirishima saw it.

The guy didn't have legs, he had a tail! It was tangled in a net, and the scales were being ripped off, bleeding, and ripping the bright orange frills.

"H-hey," he reached out. Grabbing the guy's hand before he could get away, he tried to snap again, trying to sink his teeth into Kirishima's hand, but Kiri was able to pull away before he could.

"It's ok," he tried to say, holding his hand up trying to seem less threatening.

The guy side-eyed, studying his face, the frills on his head sprang up like he was trying to seem larger, or more threatening.

"It's ok," he tried again, easing back. The blonde's eyes glanced at his tail, and the metal wire digging into it.

"Look, I can help.'' He eased, moving his hands slowly, grasping the metal wire, easing it off his tail. He now fully saw the bright colors. His underbelly was a dark green, with bright orange triangles. The frills and fins on him were also orange. It was so pretty! His tail was really large, and twice the size of his human half, like a mermaid; well, man, at least he assumed.

There was lots of blood. It covered his hands and a little bit of his arms. How long has this been on, how long has this poor man? Fish? Been tangled in the wire? Stupid humans and their damn pollution.

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