"Well pancakes sounds more proper then any of the sh...stuff we have in the cupboards."

Kian counters, saving himself from swearing for the second time that day.

He'd have never ever seen himself filtering his language this time last week. Not for another good ten years atleast.

Rowan ignores his brother and turns back to Kiara.

"What about dinner time foods? Which one of those do you like best honey?" Rowan asks.

Kiara tilts her head, deep in thought again.

"Chicken nugg-is." She eventually decides.

Her expression is bright and hopeful as she begs her uncle with her eyes to accept her answer this time around.

Rowan smiles at her and gives her hand a small shake.

"Good choice. How would you like some chips and chicken nuggets to eat then?" Rowan asks the toddler, completely taking over for her clueless dad.

She shakes her head, yes furiously, causing her hair to fly everywhere.

Rowan and Kian giggle at the adorable sight infront of them.

"Where will be open to order from at this time?" Kian questions his brother.

It was early hours in the morning and still dark outside.

Rowan had clearly been staying up late worried about the lack of communication from his brother whilst the other two had just landed in LA and arrived home.

There'll be less takeaway places open but still some. It was LA after all. The time of day never stopped anybody from ordering food.

"I don't know do McDonalds deliver twenty four seven?" Rowan asks back.

"I'll check." Kian says, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

It lights up with thousands of unopened notifications since he's barely touched his phone since meeting his daughter.

He sits down on the other side of Kiara and gets to ordering them some food whilst the other two go back to their film.

Rowan never thought he would actually sit and enjoy a Disney princess film but with Kiara around, they're all experiencing allot of firsts.

And throughout all of that time, Rowan never lets go of her little hand.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Eventually the house phone situated next to the elevator doors had rang out alerting the brothers of the arrival of their takeaway.

Kian answered the phone to his doorman who called to inform him of a delivery man claiming to have food for Kian Wiley.

Kian assured his doorman, Alan, that it was fine to send them up in the elevator and with that he stood by the doors, ready to collect his food the moment it arrived.

Poor Kiara's little stomach had been growling the entire half an hour they had been waiting for it to arrive and Kian was losing his patience with the useless delivery drivers like he never had before.

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