𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐- 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬.

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---------Levi's POV:

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Levi's POV:

Per usual, I woke up to the obnoxious yet comforting sounds of (y/n)'s outrageous snoring. I tried to sit up but I realized she was laying on top of me, she was laying sideways with her feet against the wall and her back across my stomach.

How the hell does she manage to even get in these positions. It was still as dark as when we went to bed. I had only slept halfway through the night.

I fought with my mind for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to wake the sleeping brat. She sounded like a damn bear, I'm surprised Farlan isn't up.

"Levi you're up too? I forgot how loud she snores."

"Just help me get her off without waking her up."

Farlan quietly laughed. He climbed down from the upper bunk and immediately turned away to laugh.

"She never fails to sleep in the oddest ways does she?"

"I don't know how the fuck she manages to do this and not wake me up right away but she does. Now help me move her, but don't wake her."

"I don't see how that's possible."

"We'll make it possible."

"Okay, I'll grab her head and arms, you lift up her waist and slide out" Farlan said in a whisper.

"Okay, do it."

Farlan grabbed her arms with one hand and propped her head off with the other. She unconsciously began to shift, her snoring halted.

"Shit, you're gonna wake her."

"How else am I supposed to do this? She sleeps so weird. It's the only time she isn't so serious."

He continued to lift her up slowly. Her mouth parted and the same loud ass fucking snores began to blare.

She jolted her arm up, punching Farlan square in the jaw and sat up.

"You woke her up."

She scooted off my legs and onto the opposite side of the bed.

"I did not mean to cause any trouble, sorry for sleeping like a 'wild animal' again Levi. I will try harder next time to sleep like a normal person."

"You say that everytime, just accept the fact that you will always sleep like a stray dog."

"Okay, I will accept it. Farlan I apologize for punching you" Farlan was holding his jaw, feeling for any bruises the brat could've left. Even I will admit, her punches hurt.

"Go back to bed. Tomorrow we have training and we have to search for the documents."

She nodded, going back to her spot in the bed. She laid as straight as a board, even with her usual expressionless face it was obvious she was trying for the 100th time to sleep still. Every night she'd tell herself that and it never worked.

I got up, taking one last glance at (y/n) as she drifted back to sleep.

"Levi where are you going?"

"The roof. I can't sleep."

"I'll come too, my mouth hurts too bad for me to be able to sleep. Sometimes I wish she wasn't as strong as she is."

I quietly exited the room, Farlan following. We both looked back at her before shutting the door behind us. Farlan whisper laughed, "Whats so funny?"

"She's never one to show emotion or anything but some of the things she does is just unneccesarily funny. If I didn't know her i'd never expect her to be such a wild sleeper."

"Shut up Farlan, you're going to wake them up. Last thing we need is someone suspecting us of trying to sneak out."

"You're right."

Me and Farlan found our way to the rooftop, the sky was pitch black with a few scattered stars.

There were two candles, one on each side of the door. I sat up on the stone edge looking into the dark sky next to Farlan.

"What do you think they'll try to do to her, to (y/n)."

"Nothing. Because I won't let them. Even if they were to try anything she won't let them touch her."

"How do you know?"

"She's stronger than any one of us. She could easily take down a dozen of these shitheads."

"That's true, but she also lacks knowledge is some situations. If only those useless fools didn't weaponize her and try to turn her into a object... I wonder what she'd be like if she hadn't gone through that. Maybe she'd smile and laugh like Isabel" Farlan said, a smile on his lips as he imagined it.

I replayed the memory in my head of when Isabel asked (y/n) to smile, how she pulled her cheeks up with her hands.

The door opened behind us, I turned around to see (y/n).

"What are you doing awake brat? I thought you went back to bed."

"I was looking for you. I wasn't sure where you went so I wanted to make sure you were okay, I will go to sleep now."

"You don't have to (y/n), if you want you can stay up with us" Farlan said, gesturing for her to come sit which she did. She wedged herself in between the two of us and neatly folded her hands in her chest.

She would try so hard to be proper but her clumsiness got in the way a lot of the time.

"What's wrong with the sky? Isabel told me the sky is supposed to be starry."

"Probably just clouds, hopefully tomorrow it will be clear skies so we can see the stars" Farlan placed a hand on her shoulder.

"What do stars look like?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow."

𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐝 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞.  Where stories live. Discover now