"Y/N, Machi. Machi, y/n." 

Machi nodded at you, which you hesitantly returned. 

"Shizuku what are you doing her-" 

"Shhhh." Putting her finger up to your face she closed the door and dragged Machi into the living room, pushing her onto the couch and standing, hand on hip, staring at you. 

Rolling your eyes you sat with them, waiting for Shizuku to explain what exactly was happening here. 

"Where is it?" 


"where is the... thing  Feitan got you? He has been smiling creepily to himself all day and I can tell from the lack of blood in the house that he didn't just torture someone. " 

Now you were even more confused. 

"why is that important-" 

"can you just... i don't know? ANSWER THE QUESTION?" 



"can y'all stop yelling?" machi's monotone voice interrupted "she literally just came here to ask if y'all were dating or not." 

"...are you fucking kidding me?" you pinched the bridge of your nose, you just wanted to have a chill day today. You had no work, just got a new phone. It honestly could have been such a peaceful day but no. You just had to make friends with the most extra bitch- 

"I just wanted to know! You two have been spending a lot of time together and I haven't even gotten a fucking text!" Shizuku complained, falling back exasperatedly onto the couch. 

"that's a mf-ing lie and you know it! I called you last night??" 

"but you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend now, did you?? that's wtf i thought so stop talking" 



She turned to Machi, "you wanna call Pakunoda? we could have like a besties night and watch movies and shit!" Machi side-eyes her, mouth in a tight line and eyes judgemental. 

"wtf you mean 'bEsTiES nIGhT'? idek who y/n is???" 

"well damn-" you were again interrupted, "don't take it to heart y/n she's is just an asshole :)" 

"oh wow Shizuku that makes me feel so much better!" You smiled sarcastically before rolling your eyes. Standing from the couch you walked to your room to grab your phone only to find it ringing. 

Picking it up you answered, "Hello?" 


"...and who is this?" 

"IT'S GON, KILLUA FELL INTO THE-" you hung up, put your phone on 'do not disturb' and casually walked back into the living room. Today was not the day, you did not have the time nor patience to be running after these boys like they were your damn kids. 

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