Chapter 8~J. Jenks & The Night Before~

Start from the beginning

"Have you known Alice and Jasper long?" I asked.

"I've been working with them for more than twenty years. And my late partner, knew Jasper fifteen years before that. He's uh... unusually well preserved" he told me.

"Yes, he is" I said.

"I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation" Mr. Jenks said.

"He didn't tell you where he was going, did he?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, no, no. He uh...just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order."

"I assume that his order is ready?" I asked.

"Of course. I've never been late with a delivery" he told me and slid an envelope to me.

I opened it and saw passports and documents for Will, Katie, Hope, Bree, Jake, and Seth.

"There a problem?" Mr. Jenks asked.

I shook my head, "No. My husband and I thought that we'd all be traveling together."

"Jasper said only six were traveling. His instructions were very clear" Mr. Jenks told me.

I put the passports and documents back in the envelope, "It's my mistake. Apparently, that's not going to happen" I said sadly.

I left and drove to pick up the kids as thoughts were running through my head.

Alice's vision was clear. Will, Katie, and Hope would have a future. But Edward and I wouldn't be apart of it.

I picked up the kids as we went back to the house. They were telling me about what they did at Charlie's house.

When we got home, we went into the living room and the kids ran to their father and hugged him.

Edward smile at them with love in his eyes as they told him what they did today.

I leaned on the wall and smiled at their interaction. But my smile faltered when I thought about Alice's instructions for the kids.

I went into another room and grabbed three backpacks for the kids that had money in each backpack for them.

I put a few spell books in the twins' backpacks so they can continue to practice their magic. I put a Protector's sword and dagger in Will's backpack for him.

Then I wrote a letter to them, "To my beautiful children, I thought we would have forever together. But forever isn't as long as I'd hoped. I know now why Alice left me clues. It was too keep all of you safe.

Everything you, Jake, Seth, and Bree need are in these bags. They will protect and take care of you. The boys will help you learn about the Ticuna legends.

My beautiful girls, continue to practice your magic. I know you'll become powerful witches. You both will do great things in the future, I know it. I love you both very much.

Will, my sweet boy, continue your training as a protector. It's your duty to protect your sisters, just like Uncle Danny protects me. The sword and dagger are for you to use to protect your sisters. I love you, my sweet boy.

All three of you are miracles to your father and I. You were blessings to not only us, but to your aunts and uncles and your grandparents. Always stay together, always protect each other.

May we meet again" I wrote and sighed sadly.

I put the letters in the backpacks, "It's a romantic notion, isn't it?" I heard someone ask. Alistair.

"That a righteous few can defy a great evil. I must admit, you even had me believing. For a moment" he chuckled.

"Well good luck. You're gonna need it. Cheers" he said before walking out.

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