~Back with the two sleeping beauties~

"Morning..." Naruto sighed and stretched his tired and sore limbs. He cracked his neck both sides and stood up from the bed, who now only was occupied by only one sleepy figure. 

"Why must you always wake this early ? It's not even 7 AM ?" Sasuke grunted and tried to snooze, but a pillow was thrown at his head, which made him grunt in surprise and fall from the bed. 

Naruto snickered as he walked towards their bathroom, to go to shower. Sasuke glared at the small blond. 

"Why'd you do that ?" He snarled still in his sleepy voice. He was more of a night person, rather than a morning person, like his boyfriend.

"Your fault for sleeping so near the edge." He only answered in an amused voice, while opening the door to the bathroom. Sasuke grunted yet again and stood up. He run after Naruto to the shower, where the other was in, only boxers on. 

"Hey ! What the heck Sasuke ?! Out, now !" He shouted while throwing few shampoo bottles and other soaps he could find. Sasuke didn't falter, only dodged them, few landed on his head, but that didn't stop him. 

"Your fault for waking me up and not locking the door." He only said and kissed the other while taking off his shirt. 


"Oh sweet nigiri zushi..." Sasuke snickered at the whining blond who was trying to put on some clothes.

"Don't just stare, help me, give me my ribbon." He complained and the raven was on his feet immediately. He did not want an angered Naruto. The things his boyfriend could do, he was very sadistic, so to say. 

"Where is it then ?" He asked, as he stretched his arms while Naruto furrowed his eyebrows and wiggled his nose cutely.

"Maybe under the bed ?" He answered after awhile. The raven sighed at the blond and sunk on his knees. It was there. He handed it to the other.

"How did it even end up under the bed ?" He asked, but the answer he got was just a shrug.

Naruto tied his hair on a messy bun, which made the other slightly drool. He also put on tightish black pants, a black wife beater and on top of it, an orange kimono top, which had white lilies in the back. The blond made his way downstairs, to make them some breakfast. 

Sasuke soon followed the delicious scent, and found his boyfriend sitting down on, and gesturing him to do the same and eat. On the table, was steamed rice, miso soup, tamagoyaki's, tsukemono pickles and natto

The raven wiped the drool that was threatening to fall on the corner of his mouth and started to dig in. Naruto just smirked at the Uchiha who was gobbling down the breakfast even faster than him. 

"Oh thank you, tenshi, that was awesome." Sasuke complimented once he was eaten, Naruto just smiled and took something from the kitchen counter behind him. Sasuke sniffed. His eyes widened. 

"This is for you, I picked it specially for you yesterday at the market." The blond smiled and gave it to the other whose eyes were glistening. Amused, Naruto only continued his eating, he wasn't as fast as he was when young. 

"You...you bought an Oxheart tomato ? How did you even find it ? Even I've had some troubles in finding any ?!" Naruto just shrugged mischievously.


"Here we go then. Are you ready ?" Naruto asked Sasuke once they were ready to leave, first place to go was to Tea Country, to Kirio's grave. Sasuke nodded and took a hold of the other's shoulder, and Naruto activated the jutsu. 

And on they went.


AN//:       Nigiri zushi = a type of sushi, so called 'hand-pressed sushi'. Very delicious.

        Miso soup = Common ingredients are tofu, chopped green onion, wakame seaweed, aburaage (deep-fried tofu), and lots more.

             Tamagoyaki =  (rolled omelet) - grated daikon radish is often served on the side.

             Tsukemono = Various pickles and umeboshi (pickled ume plums) are often served.

             Natto = fermented soy beans.

        Oxheart tomato =  can range in size up to beefsteaks, and are shaped like large strawberries.

Thanks for voting and all, next on the update list is The Journey (GrimmIchi) and Forgotten (SasuNaru). Check those out ♥ 

Peace out, 


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