"No problem, Ebony."

That's the first time she's called me my first name in a long time. I knew I messed up because it was always a pet-name even when we were disagreeing. But I couldn't cope with this. My mother hates me because I'm a gay.

A faggot.

I watched with tears streaming down my face as she packed up most of her things, before sprinting downstairs and slamming the door shut.

I felt so broken I couldn't help but cry. It's all I could do as I heard my mom talking on the phone with God knows who, telling them of the terrible sin I've committed in her house.

I was broken.


I couldn't believe this

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I couldn't believe this.

I groaned, throwing my duffle bag to the ground as I cried softly, slumping down on the stairs of her house, letting the pain radiate through my body.

I've been rejected for being who I am. But this time it was by the one person who was supposed to comfort me. The one person who loved me for who I truly was. All because of her mother.

We could've stayed at a hotel. We could've cried it out and I would've done my best to make her so happy she would've forgotten her mother's evil words. But she didn't even give it a chance.

I couldn't take this anymore. I had nowhere to go. Why sit in my fathers basement with nothing but beer cans and weed smoke everywhere when I could make that mess myself in a random motel?

And that's what I did.

I ubered to the nearest hotel, the night air causing me to shiver tremendously. I felt so cold and despondent. I couldn't help but cry once I got into the Uber.

I had no family, and now I have no girlfriend.

I walked into the motel and threw money at the front desk, telling him to give me the biggest room he has and he handed me a key, not even caring about checking ID and took the money I threw at him.

I stormed up the stairs, hearing the moans and snorting of various people in different rooms, and opened my door, slamming it shut and flipping onto the bed.

I let all my sorrow fall onto the bed sheets, just crying the pain away. I knew I needed to cry. I was too hurt to smoke or drink. I just wanted to cry.

I ended up falling asleep, waking up to the sound of my alarm that I kept snoozing going off. I was late for school and I stood. I didn't even bother showering, just throwing on an oversized all black sweatsuit and my black balenciaga slip ons. I went into the small bathroom and washed my face, brushing my teeth as I stared at my green eyes.

Fuck it.

I called an Uber, smoking a spliff as I waited, feeling the comforting high take over my bloodstream before getting in the Uber.

I knew I would receive stares, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

I walked into the school building, people taking a double take as I walked to my locker, not even bothering to look anyone in the face. My freckles were clear, and my eyes were emerald. Something I haven't shown since the beginning of freshmen year.

"Holy..shit..that's honey?" I heard someone whisper. I slammed my locker door shut and pushed my hoodie down, my hair big and frizzy.

"Yeah, bitch it's me! Problem?!" I yelled as I stared at Taylor who just gawked at me. They all shook their heads and I growled, walking into third period.

Everyone stared, including the teacher and I sucked my teeth, the silence being louder than my own thoughts as they all just gawked.

"Clearly y'all never seen a mixed girl before. Mind your FUCKING business." I spat as I looked around the classroom, my eyes finding the ones that I loved so much.

She looked exhausted. Her hair was in a bun and she had on sweats and a hoodie, her eyes swollen as if she was crying all night.

Welcome to the club, shawty.

Today was going to be painful.

Ebony. (GirlxGirl.)Where stories live. Discover now