He gave a side smile as he took in my appearance.

The place was filled with a soft chatter of couples seated before us as we all waited for the class to begin. I glanced at the table, it was filled with fresh ingredients; vegetables, cream and various cheeses, butter, garlic, and chicken breasts, accompanied with different herbs and spices. A two-plate stove was at the end of the iron table, while all the kitchen appliances and tools were stacked beneath it.

"What brings us here? To be honest, I didn't expect all of this when you mentioned dinner." I said, looking around the classroom, trying to keep myself distracted from my burning cheeks.

"Well, I thought dinner at a classy restaurant would be too cliché. So, I thought we could be different the first time around... You don't like it?" he asked, frowning.

I gulped. "Oh, n-n-no no, I love it actually. It's such a pleasant surprise. I absolutely love cooking. It's a passion of mine. So that's a plus. You're earning points." I said, laughing a bit too hard. A few people turned back their heads to glance at us.

Arthur looked at me and gave a sexy smile. "That's good to hear, I almost thought I messed up".

"What's on the menu for tonight?" I asked as we both placed on our aprons that were laid out on the table. Arthur, being a gentleman that he was, helped with mine, tying me from the back.

"Creamy Tuscan chicken," he replied smugly.

"Hmmm, sounds delicious" I said giggling. I stopped midway when I noticed Arthur looking at me, his sky-blue eyes traveling from my eyes down my neck to my chest. That was showing too much cleavage. Damn these Sassi dresses. He looked a good hard two seconds on it.

"Alright everyone, let's begin! ... today we cooking CREAMY TUSCAN CHICKEN!" the lady instructor shouted.

The surrounding couples, hollered whoops and applauded lightly.

I was glad for the peppy interruption; it snapped Arthur out of ogling me. But did I want him to stop? Gosh, it was getting hot in the kitchen and we didn't even start cooking yet. How was I going to cope with the rest of the date?

The cooking instructor named Diane introduced herself. She described the dish and the history behind it. She illustrated the method of making the dish step by step until the finished meal.

The evening went better than what I expected; the conversation with Arthur was surprisingly effortless. We laughed and chatted about music and the upcoming concert; he was incredibly playful with me too. There were times he would brush up against my arm or reach for something grazing my skin. I would hold my breath each time. His touch sending tingles of electricity dancing across my body.

Every time he came close to me, I felt like nuzzling my face into his chest and inhaling him in. I only had one appetite tonight, and it wasn't for the chicken. I gulped as he took hold of my waist and gently moved me to the side while he reached for the pan on the stove. His delicate fingers holding my waist firm were warm and inviting. I felt his lean chest move up against my back as he slid over, sending chills down my spine. I curled my back slightly, fighting the sensation.

Gosh, my hormones were in overdrive. I took a huge swig of my wine and practically downed it. I needed to cool off.

After done cooking, we ate our meal we prepared together and drank a bottle of red wine at a small table outside the kitchen, where the couples could eat and enjoy their meals.

Quickly, my mind crossed over to Dimitri, and suddenly I felt sorry. Here I was enjoying my freedom and having an enjoyable meal, and he was probably having slop. He always described his food that way. I shook off the guilt. He didn't write back, so I shouldn't even be thinking about Dimitri right now! I have nothing to feel guilty about.

"That was delicious. Thank you so much Arthur for this date. It was really something." I said, giggling. Not wanting to think about anything further but the man in front of me.

"My pleasure and you're really something Lillie, I never enjoyed myself in better company." He said with a side smirk, which oozed sex appeal. We had a moment where our eyes connected.

We got up to leave, calling it a night. I held the cardigan against my chest as we walked to my car. The evening air was chilled, accompanied by a light breeze. It was cold and refreshing as it washed over my wine induced face. The moon gave a silver glow that shimmered on the street. It was all too romantic for me. A legit scene from a romantic comedy.

We stopped and stood close to my car.

"I really enjoyed myself tonight Lillie." Arthur said, his eyes lingering on me.

"I almost don't want it to end," he continued; his silky voice became a tad husky. I swallowed hard; my eyes mesmerized by his ocean ones.

I didn't break eye contact.

"It doesn't have to end," I said almost too quickly.

His eyes studied my face and fell on my lips. His eyes hooded. He came closer, and I could smell his delicious masculine cologne that swallowed me whole. He closed the gap and placed his lips on mine. It was gentle and soft.

My inhibitions went out the door. I'm not sure was it the hormones or the alcohol, but I wanted this man.

My arms unknowingly slowly moved around his head. Arthur moved me to the corner wall of the street, away from prying eyes or strangers walking by. Arthur pressed his body against mine. My breasts and hips were against him. He was warm, melting the cool air surrounding us. I could feel his excitement growing and pushing against my leg as he ground his hips deliberately against mine.

Arthur pulled back just enough to see my eyes stare hungrily at his lips, wanting more. His own parted in anticipation. So, he kissed me, hard.

A moan escaped my lips into his mouth. At the sound of my moan, Arthur's hands slipped lower, squeezing my ass with one hand, and hiking my leg around his waist with the other. I couldn't help how right this felt.

He kissed me harder, and I returned it just as hard, drowning in his scent. My hands raked up and down his chest, feeling hard abs beneath them. Heat swirled within my core and travelled between my legs, quenching my panties a bit more than I would've liked. It's been a while since I felt this aroused. I had a feeling flood gates were ready to open.

We were in our own rhythm of biting, licking and sucking. My head swirled, causing me to feel dazed. I broke the spell by pushing Arthur away, separating us. Our chests heaving.

"What's wrong Lillie?" he asked breathlessly.

"Nothing, I'm alright." I said. "I should go, it's getting late." I continued. I felt unsure of myself with my buzzing head. It was way too many emotions for one night and I had to escape. I ran to my car, thankful the drive to my home wasn't too far off. It wasn't my best judgement, leaving a confused Arthur behind.

"Thanks for the most wonderful evening ever, Arthur!" I shouted out to him.

He stood where I had left him, his face bewildered.

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