Year 1- First classes

Start from the beginning

"Sorry professor Snape. Ally didn't get the directional papers for her classes, and she needed help. I was just leading her to your class now."

"Mister Potter, you have your own classes to get to."

"I know, professor. I told a classmate to tell professor Sprout I would be a bit late to Herbology."

"I can take her from here, mister Potter. Get to class before Gryffindor loses twenty points."

"Yes professor. But I shall need to talk to you before my potions lessons."

"Whatever for, mister Potter?"

"About Ally, sir."

"Very well. Run along."

Harry walked off after a quick hug. I whimper softly, terrified of getting in trouble. Suddenly I was looking at bent knees instead of shoes where the professor was standing. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and a hand gently guiding my head to look up. I looked at the professor in front of me. He had dark chocolate, almost black, eyes and black greasy looking hair to his jawline. I bit my lip to conceal the nerves and the tremble of my lip from fear. All the fears I had over the summer about meeting my father was now clouding my head. My eyes welled up with tears and I mentally cursed myself out in my head for being such a big baby.

"Allyson, I'm so sorry I didn't take you from the house after the attack. I didn't believe you were mine, but after their deaths I got a letter Dumbledore found. Lily was going to tell me you were mine, but by the time I got the letter my other daughter, Cassilynn, was already placed in my care and I couldn't ask to take up more space at the Malfoy's. But we will have time later to talk about this." The professor said. 

He stood and placed a hand on my shoulder, "let's get you to class."

We then began walking down to the dungeons. We took a few turns and then went down to the end of a hallway. We stopped at a set of large oak double doors. As soon as we stopped the professor walked away. He probably had to go back to hall duty. I took a deep breath and walked into the classroom. Once I walked in, I sat at the nearest seat to the door. There were only a handful of students and the majority of them were wearing green robes. Soon my Slytherin friends walked in, and they all sat at the long table I was at. That kind of surprised me, but I was extremely thankful for that. Soon Ginny walked in, and she sat at the seat on the table across the aisle from me, the seat closest to me. I looked at my Slytherin friends.

"Hey guys. I thought Slytherins were supposed to hate Gryffindors."

"So? We were friends before we were sorted, so why change that?" Vesper asked.

"I guess not, but... ANYWAYS!" I shouted kind of loudly.

That grabbed the attention of all the students in the room. I got glares from the Slytherins. My friends just glared back at them.

"Continue." Orion said.

"I met my father." I said.

"REALLY!?" Vesper squealed excitedly.

"Yeah, it was the most terrifying thing I ever went through in my life. At least from what I can remember. Orion, is he always that scary?" I asked.

"Not really, it was probably because he had to keep his work façade up. He's really a lot less scary in private." Orion assured.

"I hope so. That was so terrifying."

Before any of us could talk more the doors slammed open. Then professor Snape rushed in.

"There will be no wand waving or silly incantations in this class."

He then turned to face us. I quickly took out a notebook, quill and ink. I hadn't done so beforehand and I felt ashamed to be unprepared for class. I opened the ink well quietly and set my quill inside it. I then folded my hands together and rested my chin on top of them. Something I had always done when I was paying attention intently. I didn't want to miss a single word the teacher spoke. I wanted to drink it all up and absorb it like a sponge, but unlike a sponge I had no intent on releasing any of the information.

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