Meeting the Pines Twins

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Pacifica drags Gideon and Melody to large tent with a star on top.

"Might as well be Christmas." Gideon says.

"Don't be silly, Giddy. Hey, that rhymed." Pacifica says enthusiastically. "We're going to see the Pines Twins."

"Ugh, them?" Melody groans

"Yeah, I heard that they're really cool." Pacifica says. They find a seat in the tent and wait for the show to start. A short and fat old man with glasses and a panama hat walks to the piano and starts playing an almost gospel tune.

"Hello, Gravity Falls." two kids say coming on stage. One, a boy, was wearing a blue button-up shirt with the star decal on it with the sleeves rolled up and a teal amulet, navy blue pants and black dress shoes. His hair had a white streak and was combed to the side revealing a dipper constellation birthmark. The other, a girl, wore a blue blouse, a black skirt and black shoes. In her really curly hair she wore a navy blue head band with a piece that looked similar to the boy's neck piece.

"We are the Telepathy Twins." the girl says

"That's Mabel," the boy says pointing to his sister

"And that's my little brother, Lil' Dipper." Mabel adds. Dipper glares at her

"You know what bothers me Mabel?" Dipper asks

"Being called lil' Dipper?"

"Well that, and that we haven't read these kind folks their minds."

"True, brother. Shall we?" Mabel replies

"Let's." Dipper answers

"Oh we can see what others can't see,"

"It ain't some sideshow trick,"

"It's a natural ability, where others are blind,"

"We are futurely inclined. You too could see, if you were lil' old we."

"No matter where you are, we're sure you'll come back." Mabel sings

"You're not from far, I bet you're from the Shack." Dipper sings to Pacifica.

"How'd he know?" Pacifica says in shock.

After the performance, Gideon and Pacifica walk out poking each other and laughing.

"Pacifica. She seems nice." Dipper says watching the cousins leave.

"What! You're infatuated with that Gleeful girl!" Mabel half yells.

"No." Dipper says turning to his sister, showing a dull look. "Why would I, a Pines, like a Gleeful?"

"Good. I thought you were going soft on me. And you know what'll happen if you do, right?"

"Uh, yes." Dipper says touching a clipped part of his ear.

"Good. Well, Grenda, Candy and I are going to the mall." Mabel says leaving the Tent of Telepathy. "Don't wait up."

Dipper grabs a brown bag and goes to the woods. He finds a spot and pulls out a cryptic looking red book with a six fingered hand with a two in it. He sits there for an hour, reading, then starts to doze off. Until a white cart speeds by his area. He goes to follow it. When it comes to a halt, Gideon jumps out with a bat.

"What is he doing?" Dipper asks himself. He continues to follow the boy until he hears yelling. He then runs to help Gideon, who was being strangled by a gnome. Dipper pulls the gnome off of the boy and knocks over another dozen gnomes.

"Hey kid, are you okay?" Dipper asks Gideon.

"Yeah, but my cousin isn't." Gideon answers

"What's the issue?" Dipper asks again.

"Those little twerps kidnapped her and are trying to marry her off." Gideon says grabbing the bat and continues running to the leader of the gnomes. Dipper takes off after him. He grabs the 2 book and looks for gnomes.

Gnomes, these idiotic creatures are just like dogs. Blow a whistle and they'll obey.

Dipper remembers the dog whistle his uncle gave him, he pulls it out of his pocket and blows. The gnomes stop forming into a giant gnome and fall to the ground.

"Ow, what was that?" Jeff, the gnome king, asks

"A dog whistle." Dipper says "Leave those two alone from now on."

"Why should we." Jeff says

"Do you wanna go def." he says threatening to blow the whistle again.

"Fine, yeesh. Schmebuloch give me a hand here." the grey haired gnome lifts the king up so he can shake Dipper's hand. Jeff notices the birthmark on his forehead.

"Dipper, I haven't seen you since you were a Little Dipper."

"Well, Jeff, now you've seen me again." Dipper says walking away.

"How'd you know the whistle would work." Gideon asks

"I have a book and it said dog whistles distract them." Dipper says pulling out the 2 book.

"Wow!" Pacifica says "That looks like Gideon's creepy book."

"Really Pacifica?" Gideon asks annoyed.

"Sorry. So where'd you find this book."

"I, uh, didn't find this. My sister did, I'm not even supposed to have this. But curiosity gets the best of me."

"So you stole it." Gideon says.

"I'd like to see the mysteries of Gravity Falls, when I can. Well, see ya, I gotta get home before Mabel notices the book is gone." Dipper says walking towards town.

"There's something off with that Dipper guy." Gideon says walking back to the Shack.

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