Chapter 13: Paying

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"Tenma... thank you, so much." Yuichi sat down with his brother's help next to the brunet. "I... I can't give you anything back, I don't have nothing to offer you either way; but, what you have done for Kyousuke..." Tenma could only stare into Yuichi's eyes.

"It was nothing really. It could mean something important to you though, in no way that is something that mattered, I just felt the need to help in any way possible even if that meant I needed to let go a rather important quantity." It was then when he put a hand over his lips and his eyes widened, he shoudn't have said that; he felt the two pair of eyes focused on his back. 

"Was it that much?" They both asked, but Tenma didn't answer, in fact, he ignored it. It was just then when Kyousuke gave him the rolled up bandaged; Tenma could only satred at it. He had not shown it to the rest, they must have been staring at him after the match, he had been doing the usual, it was the very first time he had been caught.

"Has Fuyupe gave it to you?" They both nod at that, Tenma got off his left trainer, and roled down his sock, showing a rather horribly looking toe, swallowed and scratched.

"How could you run with that? You shouldn't even be walking!" Yuichi yelled, Kyousuke was suppressing a tear, if it had been him, he would have cried in pain, how could Tenma tolerate that great amount of suffering? 'He is used to pain.' His subsconcious said. They both eyed as the brunet bandaged up his toe with great maestry, that gave them some things to think about, he was used to do it, then.

"Fuyupe says to take it easy and... that you can turn to her whenever you need, that she is there for you to cover up your necessities." Kyousuke said, his voice terribly cold. Tenma noded, while he was putting on his shoe again. 'Well, it seems you have someone beside you! How much will it last?' Jack told him. Tenma didn't do anything, he didn't even answer, he turned his head.

"Tell her I already knew that. "He mentioned to the two shocked brothers, the smile he had on his face showed sadness. He just ignored them, as he remembered himself that he needed not to let anything show.  He stood up, Sasuke following right behind him, moving as if nothing was wrong with him. That had touched the other two profusely, they could just stare to the way the brunet had left.

Next day, Endou had taken them to Teikoku. They had no idea why they were there, why did they need to go if they had already won the match against them.

-Tenma's PoV-

     The mach was strange, I had felt something was off with Teikoku, something really important involving SEEDs. Maybe that was why we are here, Kidou had been strange since he had seen Endou enter the pitch leading the Raimon team, a if there was something he had to talk to our coach but he just couldn't say what, something vital.

"They are going to do something to us, I'm sure!" Hayami yelled from the back of the bus. The idea was pushed away as it made no sense to anyone, specially me. 

-Third's PoV- 

     He just wanted to let that go, he wanted to go home, do nothing else and enjoy the warm of his bed. They entered Teikoku and decided that it  was best if they just let everything pass by. He was remembered of the old school he used to take part in, suprisingly, it was simmilar to this junior high and that made him feel uneasy. He lost track of time as he waved as Kidou-san, god he had missed him a lot on the past few months sisnce he joined Raimon, an enormus smile was plasted on his face, which the other noticed and smiled back at the young kid. They were told they needed to win, they couldn't afford to loose in any sense of the word, their revolution was going to be followed by many other teams, they will all battle against Fifth Sector.

After that, they practiced with regained force, knowing that if they were alone before, they wouldn't be anymore, many would follow the path they had decided to walk on thanks to the brunet's help surprisingly; since he came to Raimon, he had doe that: the Revolution had started thanks to that boy and they all knew that.  During said practice, he felt absolutely strange, he had a dormant force inside him and he couldn't bring it out, it was different form any other thing he had felt before, that was no technique, he had felt it when he was younger. It used to appear when he was in danger, alone, desparate for a hug... a keshin they were called now he believed. It had enormus wings that made him feel save each time he was hugged by them: Demon he used to call him, but as he came, he was gone, and now, he could feel waves of pain crushing inside his body.

After that training, he had gone to the Riverbank to hit the ball by pleassure and try to ease away the pain, Endou came some minutes later. Passing the ball between them was fun, he even managed to forget the enormous force inside him causing his head to ache, te adrenaline came as possitive and foreighn thoughts came his way. He found out he was married to Natsumi, whose cooking was horrible to keep it short, even his coach created a new meaning to his infamous quote while trying to shalow the terrible dish.

Next day the kept practicing, the revolution was in their veins, running freely making them even better, they wanted to be the best, the best of all to win and show that their soccer was the one that needed to be played. Tenma had a rush of energy, he felt as a wind inside wanted to come out and that is why he wanted to play against Tsurugi. He had his Kesin blocked, he had used him since he was little, six to be exact, he couldn't bring it out on his own now. That had him worried and hurt at the same time. It was then when Endou received an upcoming call, he seemed to have been waiting that call for quite some time.

"They re all SEEDS!" Tat was what had came soon after he had answered, that sent chills down everyone's back, they where all seeds, whoever they were going to play against, they were all seeds, meaning they could possibly be able to call for their keshins if they wanted to, they must be skilled and that, that paralysed Tenma for some seconds. 

After that, on his way home, Tenma encountered Hayami, his shoulders were trembling, his head was bowed down, as it normally was by now. Nonetheless, he went to his side, his hands supporting his shoulders, making him stared into his grey metallic orbs.

"I can't do this anymore, we are going to end up in the bin and I just can't!" He yelled at Tenma.

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