All the first years were in awe, and some were terrified. The looks on all their faces were as if they were never told about the ghosts. I wasn't either, but I was so new to magic that I have endless possibilities in mind that anything is possible at this point. For all I know dinosaurs aren't really extinct. They probably are, but you see my point. Older students at each table were conversing with a ghost here and there and so were some first years. I just focused on my food, not really happy that my newfound friends were all at another table together and I was here alone. Ginny was into a conversation with a ghost, and I wasn't really interested.

At some point a grubby looking older man came in and talked to three of the professors at the head table. The raven-haired man in all black was the first one up and out the door. He was then followed by the headmaster and the assistant headmistress. I was curious as to who they were, so I turned to Fred and asked him and George.

"Um, Fred? Who were the teachers that just left? And who is the dishevelled man that was talking to them?"

"Oh, professors Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore. The man that talked to him is the caretaker of the school." George said.

After we went back to eating it wasn't long before Harry and Ron graced us with their presence. I kept eating and not saying a word. I had told the rest of my Gryffindor house mates not to say my name if or when Harry showed up. I wanted to see if he either noticed me or asked where I was. Once I was full, which wasn't long after I started eating, I just poked at my food. I was trying to blend in per say.

"Uh, Percy? Where's Ally?" Harry asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"At her house table. Why?" Percy replied.

"I don't see her at any table." Harry said.

"Uh, Harry, she's right next to Ginny." Ron said.

"Oh. Ron, before I forget, Annie said they would be here late tomorrow. Their flight was delayed so they will be a bit late coming in from Romania." Percy said.

"Like I care. And, she should have told me herself." Ron hissed.

"They knew you wouldn't even open the letter if they sent it to you. Also, they wanted me to let you know, they failed the first-year placement exam just so they wouldn't be in the same year as you. Since they know how much you loathe them." Percy says, putting emphasis on the they/them pronouns.

"I don't care what she said. If she failed the exam that's on her. She's the one who skipped last year. Plus, how would she be sorted if she missed the ceremony tonight?" Ron grumbled.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you and Harry missed the ceremony as well. Not even there for your little sisters to get sorted." I huffed.

Before I was given a response, we were dismissed. Prefects were told to lead first years to their dormitories. I was one of three first year Gryffindor soulmate children. A Hufflepuff student was actually our designated prefect. I guess soulmate children are so few we don't have enough people to have a prefect from each house. I didn't care, I just wanted to sleep. We didn't go up any stairs like the other groups, we were just led straight down the hall and to the right. We went straight down that hall and came upon a portrait of an older man.

"Alright, first years. This is the entrance to our common room and dorms. Our portrait is of the great Merlin himself, who was the reasoning the founders chose to add special dorms for us soulmate children. Our password is, obviously, Merlin. It changes every three months, so we will have a total of four passwords in your time here at Hogwarts this year."

She then turned to the portrait and said the password. The portrait swung open, and she led us in. Once we were all in the door portrait thing swung closed. We came to a stop in the centre of the room. She turned back to us.

"First years are roomed together. Girls' dorms are down the hall straight ahead and to the right, the boys are the same on your left. Girls and boys are not allowed to share rooms, not even soulmates. If you happen to find your soulmate, if you have one, while here talk to your head of house. Slytherin is Professor Snape, Gryffindor is Professor McGonagall, Hufflepuff is Professor Sprout and Ravenclaw is Professor Flitwick."

"Do we room with our house or at random?" one girl asked.

"At first, with your house and age group. Since we are not a normal dorm, your second year you can end up roomed with any age and house. We typically don't room opposing houses together, but even though Gryffindor and Slytherin are the only two known to actively hate each other, Gryffindors may end up roomed with Slytherins. Any rules about house points for us goes towards our actual houses no matter how we earned points. Any more questions?"

"Why are soulmates so highly held? Isn't a soulmate just a partner you chose that is closely connected with you?"

"No. Soulmates are a rare form of binding magic. Kind of like the unbreakable vow, but it's preexisting when you're born. The most notable soulmate connection that was never fully established was with our own professor Snape. He and a school friend, Lily Evans, were actually soulmates. Lily's death would have killed Professor Snape if they had been fully bound together. If you want to read more on how to bond as a soulmate couple, we have our very own selection of books in our common rooms. Now, the time for lights out is at ten at night. It is now nine thirty. You have thirty minutes to settle in. Your house robes and luggage are next to your assigned bed."

With that she walked off to do whatever. As we dispersed a flood of a handful of older students came in. We went to our dorms, looking for the rooms that had our names on it. We all were roomed together. We went in and started to get situated. It only took me a few minutes and now I just sat in my bed thinking about what the prefect said about my mother. I was a soulmate child. My mother's soulmate is Professor Snape. That's probably not a popular name, so that most likely means my new friend, Cassilynn, is my sister. Which is a bit weird because I'm ninety percent sure Draco is my soulmate, and he's apparently her cousin. That's a bit gross, but I guess it's okay because I'm not genetically related to him.

"Okay! So, I think with the remaining time before we go to bed, we should get to know each other." one girl said.

"Okay! Well, I'm Elizabeth Corn. I'm a muggleborn. I didn't know soulmate magic could affect muggles until I was told I was a soulmate child." Elizabeth said.

"I'm Allyson Potter. I was raised by muggles along with my brother when my mother and Harry's father were killed. I never knew who my father was, and now I'm scared to have class with him because I'm terrified that he wouldn't want me. At the same time, I'm worried I'd get to go with him and leave my brother behind and alone in his abuse." I said.

"Wait. You're Lily Evans and Severus Snape's daughter?" Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, I guess so. I figured it out when I was at the Weasley house, but the final pieces clicked when the prefect told the story of my mother. I have a sister, albeit a half-sister. And I'm pretty sure I have a soulmate and I found him, but he's my sister's cousin. Which is a bit weird honestly."

"Okay, your life is a bit messy, but that's what we're for. And that's what friends are for. But I'm Connie, that's actually my full first name. Connie Nott. I'm pretty sure my dad will realise my mother cheated when he finds out I'm in the soulmate dorms and Theo isn't. Theo is in his second year." Connie said.

"I think I'm going to turn in. I want to be able to get into a groove, so I don't wake up late for classes." I said.

They hummed in agreement. The room was filled with the rustling of the sheets as we all went to get under our covers. We all said goodnight to each other and our pets. Then the room was silent. We all fell asleep fairly quickly, which I was the last to fall asleep staring at my clock that read '10:29'. 

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