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"Ughh" the two guitarists groaned in unison

"I don't want to hear it you two! Now hop to it!" Mrs.Bauble commanded sternly pointing at the teacher's utility closet.

"We have to clean and organize this entire closet?!" Larry exclaimed in complete shock

"That's what happens when you boys decide to skip my class," she replied innocently gently rubbing her belly full of life

Upon inspection, the closet was about the size of a refrigerator. It was cluttered full of boxes, large stacks of paper, old textbooks, school supplies, and lesson planners. Imagine a garage full of junk you've collected over the years. There were even loose worksheets and trash all over the floor! Anyone in their right mind would know that this closet hasn't been decluttered in years. As soon as Mrs.Bauble opened the door an unfamiliar stench made its way into their nostrils. 

"But this will take forever Mrs.Bauble!" he continued to groan

"You're lucky the principal let me decide your punishment. Besides its either this or detention for 2 weeks straight" she smiled walking away wishing the boys luck

"Come on, let's get this over with" the sapphires in his eyes dulled still exhausted from this morning

Sal moved past Larry and began picking up the school supplies. Meanwhile, Larry began moving around the textbooks and cleaning supplies for the whiteboards. Every once in a while he would hear Larry sigh in exhaustion or frustration so, he began making small talk. Something along the lines of classwork, what they're doing later, and their parents dating. It was strange at first but, whatever makes their parents happy. Besides it's not like I dislike Larry, he's my best friend sal thought to himself smiling softly at the thought that Larry could one day become his stepbrother. "What are you over there smiling about? Are you thinking about that Rose girl? Larry teased throwing his left arm over Sal's shoulders

"What? No" he replied taken aback at the sudden mention of the girl that made him feel weird

"Then why are your ears turning red?" he challenged with a smug smile stretched across his lips

Sal groaned throwing his best friend's arm off of his shoulder "you're a dumbass, you know that" he turned away blushing beneath his mask

Jet black hair thrown over his shoulders as his brother once again begin to playfully tease him. "Shut up, this isn't funny. I don't know what the hell she even sees in me. Besides, I can't tell if she's just messing with me or if she's serious and I highly doubt she's serious." he huffed beginning to pick up boxes full of textbooks and old dusty worksheets

"Dude she gave you her number. That has to be a sign for something right," he shrugged searching for a reaction from his counterpart

Sal began running his fingers through his sky blue hair in frustration. "I don't know..." he sighed continuing to clean in silence

Larry understanding that he's completely through with the conversation about the crimson beauty. Instead, they talked about various other things to take his mind off of her. After a few hours passed by the boys were finally done. They even sprayed some lemon-scented fragrance Sal randomly found inside one of the boxes. A sigh escaped the midnight haired boys lips "I could use a smoke, how about you?" he asked his partner in crime

Sal simply nodded following Larry outside the school building until he heard his surname being called in the distance. What is it now? the sky blue-haired boy thought looking over his shoulder only to see a teacher he's unfamiliar with. "Thank goodness I caught you, Mr.Fisher" he called running up to Sal and Larry as if he was being chased by a masked murder

~Light In The Dark~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin