Flamel, Slytherins, Dragons, and 'Rats'

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"Listen Hermione just cause you're smart doesn't mean you're always right ok. And not everyone's going to agree with you. But I can say that we have to figure out what to do next and find out what exactly is in between the thief and that stone. Obviously, the dog is only one task to get to the stone. We need to find out what the others could be. And before we do that we have to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts ok."
Hermione stood there gaping and everyone left to go to class. She stood there until her brain caught up with Percy's words and rushed off to class as well.


They all thought about the possibilities while writing about how to treat werewolf bites. All they came up with were spells for protection. The match between Slytherin and Gryffindor was trudging closer and closer. Snape seemed to turn up wherever they were. Hermione was thinking that maybe Snape somehow knew about their knowledge of the sorcerer's stone. She believed that Snape was attempting to catch them without all the other students around to confront them. The demigods knew she was being ridiculous but kept quiet during her rants on how Snape is evil.

The match arrived sooner than they'd hoped. Everyone wished Annabeth and Harry good luck in the locker rooms before Madam Hooch ushered them to the stands. Hermione kept murmuring the leg locking curse, Locomotor Mortis, under her breath attempting to memorize it. She had gotten the idea from the trick Malfoy played on Neville. She was going to spell Snape if she suspected foul play or him attempting to harm the Gryffindors, particularly Harry and Annabeth. Percy tried to persuade her to drop the subject but she would not listen.

"Everyone ready!" Snape drawled out.

A series of head nods and 'hell ya' from Marcus Flint and the Weasleys, gave Snape the signal the wave the checkered flag and start the game.

Hermione was staring at Snape, "I've never seen him look so mean," she muttered. Nico rolled his eyes while Thalia just groaned. Hermione gave them a 'what' look but turned back to the high-paced game. Percy just ignored her scanning the field for his Wise Girl.

Annabeth whizzed past Marcus Flint as she headed towards the Slytherins goal posts. She passed Angelina who dodged a flying bludger and continued toward the goal. Before she could score she was sandwiched between Flint and another chaser. She dropped a couple of feet and in one swift move passed the ball to Annabeth who threw the ball right through the center hoop.

Percy cheered and whistled. Annabeth grinned at him as she zoomed past the stands. Harry was circling the arena keeping an eye out for the Golden Snitch as well as Snape. While he wasn't as sold on the topic of Snape wanting the sorcerer's stone as Hermione, he was wary.

" Blimey," Ron spoke as he scanned the packed stands. "The whole schools come to watch, even Dumbledore!'

"What?" Will questioned scanning the stands a well, " Dumbledore doesn't normally come to watch the games, does he?"

" He does occasionally but he normally doesn't have an opinion on who he thinks is going to win. But look at his attire! He's decked out on Gryffindor colors! Does anyone know what house he was in when he attended Hogwarts?" Thalia asked.

"He was in Gryffindor as a kid and judging from his bright gold robe she still roots for our team," Hermione said with a smile.

Nico was being pestered by Malfoy as the conversation continued.

"So Di Angelo how long do you think Potter will stay on his broom this time? Anyone wanna bet?" Nico ignored him and stared at the game. He had no clue how Annabeth managed to stay balanced on the broom. He'd be gripping that flimsy stick like his life depended on it. Heck! He'd probably never even be as high as her. Not when Zeus hated his other guts.

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