Chapter 41- Playback

Start from the beginning

I walked away bracing myself to teleport up to another floor. Once I got there I saw Val shrouded with his own pink smoke, and incoherent mumbling.

I cleared my throat to let my presence be known, "Val, what's up with you now?" I mentally prepared myself to hear him ramble about whichever whore had made him mad this time.

He emerged from the smoke, standing up quickly in the process and looked at me angrily. "Can you believe the audacity of him? Not bothering to reply to my texts and messages and leaving me to be the beggar? Imp get me another drink." He yelled out accusatory and threw me a glass he used as his previous drink. Of course he was at one of his fits again. How. Fucking. Great. As if I didn't have to a million of other things.

"By him you mean?" I asked as I stepped left to avoid the glass, as it smashed the wall pieces of it falling onto my feet.

"Angel. Fucking. Dust." He said as he took a large swig of his drink and his eyes grew wider with fury.

"Uh huh." I answered, completely annoyed and done with his shit as this always seemed to happen with all of his whores.

"Right! I fucking made him! He thinks he's the shit because apparently he's seeking refuge in that bimbo's hotel." He abruptly walked to a cabinet, rummaging through it's belongings.

I was surprised he hadn't yet caught on to the fact that the waitress he wanted to bring over from yesterday resembled him quite a lot. But I knew that if I told him he would just redirect his anger towards me, and tell me why I hadn't told him, and how he could've dragged Angel here to beat him some sense.

"Which one of these makes me look hot?" He said as he held both of his personalized made guns, and pointed them at me as he struck a pose. Oh what he did when he was mad cause me second hand embarrassment.

"Val!" I exclaimed out to him, hoping to reason with him. "Sorry, what I meant to say, is that you know about our reputation here, don't you?" I grabbed him by the shoulders and redirected him to the large open windows of his office, which oversaw Pentagon city.

"Yes, I am aware. You remind me a whole lot of fucking times every single fucking day."

"Exactly and you know why?" I squeezed him harder on the shoulders.


"Because we don't let those little insignificant souls disturb us! We are clearly better than the rest of those lot." I turned him around so he could see me better, and so that he could see he how passive-aggressively I was handling him. Dealing with his shit was truly exhausting.

"Now, put your cute little toys away, and join me and Velvet for some actual breakfast." I pointed over to the empty bottles of booze that lied near the couch he was sitting on. With a defeated sigh, he walked back to the cabined and placed the guns back. As I headed to the small desktop station I had set I looked through all the tv's to see what was going on besides the upcoming extermination.

"Are you still rattled on about the fact that your precious Alastor kicked us out?" He hissed out loud as he shut closed the cabinet.


"Of course not." I responded hoping he would leave it at that. "We wouldn't have been kkicked out if ya hadn't been horny." I retort back to him.

"Listen, she had quite the body. She would've been a great asset for me. In fact she would've gotten a better fate with me than with that blonde bitch. Perhaps I am following the advice of her since I am helping others."

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he was just a bitch I couldn't help but detest sometimes.

"But are you sure it's not about Alastor? Though I think you don't want it to spread on the news; I can tell cause you keep eyeing the tv's." He said as I could see him wiggle his finger from my peripheral vision.

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