Part 4

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Possible TW: Panick, Sharps, Self-harm. (Also vomit is involved um gross.)

Tonys POV.

I had heard a terrible sound that made my stomach turn in three knots. "Friday... What's that sound coming from the hall?" I asked. "That would be Peter," Friday said in a calm voice as if nothing was wrong. "It appears that he is sick." I dropped the wrench he had in his hand and speed-walked through the hall to the bathroom next to Peters's room and was surprised to see that Nat was already outside the door trying to get it to open. 

"Peter c'mon it's just me let me in so I can help you please, It's Nat." She said in a pleading voice. "What's going on?" I said. I was getting really worried for Peter considering he hadn't been eating much, to begin with, and now he's gotten himself sick. "N-Nothing Mr. Stark I just think I've caught some stomach bug or something." I heard a weak voice from inside the bathroom. 

"That's it. We're coming in please be decent if you aren't." I said and chuckled at my own comment until Nat hit me in the shoulder and gave me her 'look' her, 'what the fuck is wrong with you, you never say the right thing at the right time' look. I backed up and kicked the door enough for it to give in so I could open it myself. 

When we got in to get a closer look we were petrified. Peter looked almost lifeless slumped over against the wall. His skin was already pale but he looked like a ghost now. There was blood in the sink and on his shirt sleeves and there was obviously vomit in the toilet. "Oh my god-" Natalie said softly. Our eyes gazed around the whole room and then they went back at Peter who was already crying and hugging his knees. 

I got on the ground at his level and pulled him into a hug. "What happened?" I said looking at his panicking eyes. "I-I got on my phone and saw the news of Aunt May falling again and everything just came flooding back and- I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He sobbed out. He kept on apologizing over and over and I pulled him into a tighter hug. "I'm not mad." I kept saying. "Do you want to go back to sleep?" I asked. He shook his head no. 

-Time jump: The next day-

Peter POV

I didn't really plan on Mr. Stark to come in last night and to be honest I was VERY embarrassed by it. So embarrassed that I didn't eat Breakfast, Lunch, Or dinner with the group and instead ate just before all the meals. 

I hated how useless I felt not being able to be Spiderman. Until I realized that I could still be Spiderman, I didn't need a fancy suit. And I created my first webs. So I could easily go back to my old apartment and go get my tacky suit and old webs. The only issue was, trying to get Mr. Stark to take me. 

"Hey M-Mister Stark? Are your busy?" I asked softly as I entered in his office. "No, What's up kid?" He asked as he turned his chair towards me. "So I was thinking about how most of my stuff is at May's and how theirs a lot of family heirlooms and stuff.. And it would mean a lot to me if you could just drop me off or wait outside of the apartment while I go get it." I said fidgeting with my fingers trying to look convincing. 

"Well if you think your ready then yeah we can go." Mr stark said slowly. "Go heat up the car I'll be right out." He added. I nodded and closed his office door 'Yes!' I thought. I can get my suit and my spare webs and shooters and sneak out of the window of my old apartment. I just can't get distracted I told myself. 

As we pulled up to the apartment it looked duller than I had remembered. "Are you sure you don't want us to come in with you?" Mister Stark said. He had brought Thor along because he wanted to stop by Walmart for Poptarts. "No, I'll be fine." I said and got out of the car with my box for the "stuff" I was supposed to be getting. 

As I entered in the small apartment that I had called home for so long I kind of wished that I had taken Tony's offer. "Just get the suit and leave." I said. I entered in my small bedroom got my suit and webs and my one spare web shooter, And then a backpack and filled it up with clothes. 

I decided I don't need help anymore. And that I'm better off alone. 

A/N: Oml this chapter was bad. 
Will I be continuing this series: Yes. 
Word count: 823
I'm open to any tips in the comments.
P.S. Sorry for hurting Peter for four chapters straight but it only gets worse from here. 

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