Episode 4 - The Fair

Start from the beginning

'Branson, isn't?'

'That's right, Your Lordship.'

Emma didn't miss the Irish accent.

'I hope they've shown you where everything is and we've delivered whatever we've promised at the interview.'

'Certainly, milord,' said Branson.

Emma stood up and asked, 'Won't you miss Ireland?'

Branson glanced at her and smiled politely, 'Ireland, yes, but not the job. The mistress was a nice lady, but she only had one car and she wouldn't let me drive it over twenty miles an hour, so it was a bit...well, boring, so to speak.'

Emma already liked him and laughed quietly.

'You've got a wonderful library,' Branson said to Robert.

'You are very welcome to borrow books, if you wish.'

Branson's eyes lit up, 'Really, milord?'

'Well, there's a ledger over there that I make everyone use, even my daughters. Lady Emma has already read about half of the books here. Carson and Mrs. Hughes sometimes take a novel or two.'

'Oh, really, Papa, I certainly haven't read that much books,' Emma underlined to her father, then she turned to Branson, 'What are your interests, Mr. Branson?'

'History and Politics mainly.'

Emma's and Robert's eyebrows rose.

'Heavens,' Robert remarked.

'You must be well educated then,' Emma said, smiling at Branson.

'Not enough, My lady. I prefer driving.'

The door opened and Carson entered.

'Carson, Branson is going to borrow some books. He has my permission.'

Carson nodded, 'Very good, milord.'

'Is that all, milord?' Branson asked plainly.

'It is,' Robert said, 'Off you go and good luck.'

Branson left the room and Emma smiled at her father.

'I think he'll do well.' Emma stated to Robert, 'Better than Taylor.'

Robert nodded and said, 'He seems a bright spark after poor old Taylor. And to think Taylor's gone off to run a tea shop.'

'Still,' Emma said, grabbing her book and held it against her chest, 'I cannot feel it will make for a very restful retirement, can you, Carson?'

Carson stilled and said before he left, 'I'd rather be put to death, my lady.'

'Hmm,' she said and she turned to her father and said, 'Papa, I'm just reminding you that I will be going up to the Crawley's house for brunch. Do you need me to get anything for you?'

Robert turned to his daughter and sighed.

'No...no, thank you, dear.'

Emma nodded and she was lucky to caught Branson and asked him to take her to the Crawley House. The trip wasn't long and she didn't feel like talking at the moment.

Emma arrived in time for brunch and helped herself to an Earl Grey tea and took one of the biscuits that Mr. Moseley had held in a silver tray.

'You are going to the fair while it's here?' Matthew asked, holding a newspaper and lounging on the armchair.

'I shouldn't think so,' said Moseley, 'But I don't mind. I like the music.'

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