10. a kiss on new years eve

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the days following the girl's reconnection went by quickly enough, december flying by as the two girls consistently met up to hang out ─ neither of them wanting to admit their feelings, despite all the hangouts obviously seeming like dates.

it was bad enough that tommy and wilbur kept making fun of hermione and niki respectively for their obliviousness to the others feelings. it honestly seemed like everyone but the two involved knew about it.

and, as new years eve crept quicker and quicker towards them, the two girls once again made plans to hang out. a picnic under the stars as the clock struck midnight was sure to be satisfactory.

so, as the date struck, hermione found herself driving her car ─ a small red ford fiesta that she had somehow scraped the money together for ─ down to niki's house to pick her up for their 'hang out'.


laughter had ensued between the two girls rapidly after their arrival in the spot they had picked out. it was a small field ─ but not too small, of course ─ with trees surrounding the area, concealing it from the rest of the world. had it been summer, daisies, buttercups and clovers would've littered the field, bringing a sense of life to the otherwise drab environment (in winter of course).

their picnic blanket lay in the middle of the field, small snacks placed around them as the two girls cuddled under another blanket, the cold winter air hitting them gently as it got later and later into the night.

"i missed you ─ you know ─ when i dropped all contact with you," hermione started, "i just didn't know how to restart a conversation i guess," the girl obviously didn't want to tell niki the other reason why, though niki was completely oblivious to this factor.

"i missed you too. granted, i was a bit mad when you just messaged me with 'hey'" the german girl replied, giggling slightly.

"a bit mad?" hermione responded, shocked, "from what i remember, you completely went off at me! couldn't believe that the first thing i send to you in ages is 'hey'!" the girl joined in with niki's giggles, letting her crush know that she was simply joking.

the giggles went on for a bit longer until both of their phones chimed at the same time, signifying a message being received. it was tommy and wilbur, both sending wildly varying messages of the classic 'happy new year'.

hermione flicked her eyes up to the time illuminated on her phone, the bright white 0's extremely evident ─ after all, how could they not be? ─ before flicking her eyes over to niki, the girl's eyes meeting and holding contact for a while as they both leaned in.

in that moment, as big ben (the two were in a field near london) chimed twelve times and fireworks were set off in the sky, hermione and niki's lips met once again in a soft and sweet kiss.

only to be torn apart once again by tommy and wilbur calling them.


"white carnations?"

"yeah! they symbolise good luck!"

"and pure love,"

"i guess my love for you is pure too!"


i was watching hp1 whilst writing this lmao

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