Chapter 2

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"mom?"i asked her walking in the living room after waking nonna up with breakfast.
"what" he responce was short and cold
"i wanna talk to you about your drinking problem"i said calmly scared of her responce.
"problem i dont have a problem the one and only problem i have is the fact that you let your sister do all the hard work"she snapped back angrily.
"your serious?lizzie hasnt step foot in that diner for over a year unless its to take money from the tip jar!"i shouted back at her.

"she was there yestersay she said and that you never show up"she shouted back pushing me into a wall.
"you are a disgrace"she said
she then picked me up and threw me into the kitchen i landed on the tile flooring.
"mom please i just wanted to help you!"i screamed.

my grandma then walked into the living room shakily with her cane and said
"maria!! You let that little girl go right now!"my grandma always stood up for me but she wasnt strong enough to physically stop my mom.

"nonna its okay just go back to your room"i said and walked her back.

"you know,i wish i was on birth control when i went with your dad"she chuckled evily"you know hes pathetic,hes just as useless as you"

i ran out and didnt turn back until i found a homeless place outside, on the street

"hello princess whats a girl like you doing here"a man asks
"i need a place to stay for the night"i say back to him
"i know a way for you to pay up"
i realised what he wants and i start pushing him away and shout
"no i i can find somewhere else to stay"
he growls for me to stay
i trys my best to shove him off screaming at the top of my lungs, i screams in pain and fear.

i lay there screaming at the top of my lungs i was terrifed thinking he will never stop.

he overpowered me completely he was bigger stronger and at this moment in time he was in control.

when he finished he walked off after saying
"You have a place for tonight"
i lay there in pain and shock for a while

i gathered my slightly torn clothes and got back into them only small tares on my jeans and top i walked the streets for what felt lile forever

i walked in shock and fear for ages thinking about what to do
thinking things like
'why did that happen to me?'
'did i show myself as an easy target?'
'what if i stay there the night?'

my head started spinning and i had to sit on a small wall for a moment to get myself together.
"andiamo victoria rimettiti in sesto tua nonna ha bisogno di te/come on victoria get yourself together your grandma needs you"
i wiped away the tears that fell when i started walking and carried on walking in the somewhat direction of home as i know that my nonna needs me.

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