"As they should." Ollie nodded, seemingly long ago accepted this fact. 

"No, they shouldn't." George sighed, pushing a book a bit further away as he leaned forward towards her. "I'd be opening a howler from mum right now if you hadn't stopped Fred from pummeling Malfoy." George nodded, and Ollie took it as a token of gratitude. It was possibly the only one she'd ever receive from him. 

"You'd still be on the team if you hadn't punched him." Ollie flicked her gaze to his, before tearing it off to focus back on her tea. 

"You heard what he said." George nodded, bringing his tea to his lips. 

"You saw how Umbridge took it." Ollie then locked eyes with him, trying to decipher if he was picking up what she meant. He hadn't. 

"Come to breakfast with me, Fred and Ron owe you a proper apology." George stood, taking his tea with him. 

"I don't think that's a good idea." Ollie said softly, standing to place her mug in the sink. Now drained, and her headache vanished. 

"All my favorite memories come from bad ideas." George smirked, tipped back the remaining of his tea before locking eyes with her again. "I'll wait outside while you change." Ollie stood still next to the sink as George approached her. 

His gaze flicked down to her bare legs once more, before he locked eyes with her once again. She caught a hint of a smirk on his lips, before he was brushing past her and stepping out of the hut, Fang trailing after him. 

"Fetch a stick, and I'll throw it." George murmured to him, reaching down to pat his head. Ollie watched as George shut the door, Fang took off gleefully while George laughed watching him go, before the door clicked shut. 

Ollie wrenched herself away from the sink, hands shaking as she found clothes that if they weren't matching, they'd at least smell clean. 

Ollie fell into step beside George as they made their way up the path towards the school, Fang was trailing close behind but the moment they hit the courtyard Ollie knew he would retreat back home. 

"Tower's much warmer than the hut." George commented, elbowing Ollie slightly as they stepped into the corridors.

"I like the cold." Ollie rebutted, glancing up to see students staring at her as they neared the Great Hall. This didn't seem to faze George as they stepped inside. 

"Pitiful, I'd like to see you around more." George whispered to her, as they neared the Gryffindor table. It was barely above a whisper, and Ollie flushed realizing he had said it as so knowing she could still hear him. 

"You know where I am." Ollie looked back at him, and George only grinned before turning to the group sitting at the table. 

Hermione beamed upon noticing Ollie, and yanked her sleeve until she nearly crashed into a seat next to her and a short, red haired girl. George laughed, stepping over the table with a short jump to come to a crashing seat across from her, beside Fred. 

"Ollie." Fred greeted, tearing a biscuit in two as he gazed at her. Ollie watched Angelina beside him pinch his side, making him roll his eyes before he opened his mouth again. 

"I'm sorry for being a git and-" Fred began, but Ollie waved her hand. 

"It's alright, should have let you pounce on Malfoy. Bastard deserved it." She shrugged, and suddenly Fred lit up. 

"That is not what we practiced." Angelina groaned, throwing her head back in annoyance as Fred nearly bounced giddy in his seat. 

"Doesn't matter now, got a list of pranks I get to send his way." Fred nudged George excitedly, and George only hummed in approval as he prepared his plate of breakfast. 

Eye Of The StormHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin