me, the letter and her.

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three days later january eight.

It has been exactly three days later and Blaise was released from the hospital wing, he had suffered a small concussion and his scar was still there on his body and was most likely permanent but he was healthy.

Blaise was walking with envelope and wand in hand. The envelope that was from his mother, he had yet to read it postponing everything.

He knew how his mother was and yes he loved her more than his own self but at times so can be overly critical and snobbish and it took a toll on Blaise for him.

He was just walking around the halls contemplating whether or not to open it.

"I have to open it sooner or later, I can't leave her without a response she'll just flood me with letters and I hate to disappoint Mother." Blaise said in his head passing up the paintings on the wall, even the people in the paintings could see that Blaise was extremely wore down.

There wasn't to many people in the hallways considering it was break time.

He continued walking around the halls pondering and contemplating and that's when he saw her, Luna. She didn't see him as she was doing something oddly weird to the public eye.

She was wearing her school uniform and had black buckle shoes with white lace socks. She had her gorgeous hair falling down to the middle of her black with loose curly hair, Blaise continued to observe when he fully took in what the fuck she was doing and walked over to grab her before she hurted herself badly.

Blaise didn't really care for the girl but he wasn't about to watch somebody accidentally kill themselves and besides one other student who was now walking away he was the only person there.

He grabbed her and place her flat on a step of the Ravenclaw common room stairs.

"Are you insane? Don't answer that... What are you doing?!" Blaise asked looking her firmly in her eyes with a face expression that had both humored and confused written on his face-- he had his left hand wrapped tightly around her wrist.

"Oh don't worry I do this all the time! Its the fastest way down from the common room.. I almost always make the jump." Luna replied in her dreamy and whimsical tone of voice.

She then looked down at Blaise's hand and looked back at him and smiled.

Without hesitation he moved his hand from her wrist and wiped it on his shirt. She didn't mind at all infact she probably thought nothing of it.

He looked back up at her, chuckled and said under his breath "Such a strange person." he started back up again and said "Don't you think people think you're a bit odd? I mean... I don't know."

She bows her head down to look at her shoes fiddling her feet around and looks back up at him she really had to look at him to make eye contact-- they had a major height difference considering Blaise was six foot three and she was only five' two.

He was one of the tallest boys in school.

"What's wrong with being odd or different? Everybody is and that's what makes us.. us. Don't you think Blaise Zabini?"

"It's just Blaise."

"Oh. My apologies.."

It went completely silent it wasn't an awkward silence but it was just there.

They were no longer looking at each other but just standing there.

"You know your mother is an extremely strong and gorgeous woman. I mean the name your mother has made for herself is completely empowering and all the losses she faced in her many marriages is so sad." Luna said this genuinely and she was right Blaise's mother was an idol to alot of women even with the speculations around her.

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