Nerves filled Isabella and her stomach churned as she reached into the safe. Her fingers wrapped around the cool metal of the key, a key that mustn't have been touched for many years and yet it shone as bright as the day it had been made. It felt incredibly heavy in Isabella's small hand but she picked it up and looked closely at it, it was no wonder that Dominic had hidden the key away as it did not look like anything else she had seen before, she knew for sure that it would be far too easy to spot as special even by those who did not know the importance of the key and the attic. 

Something had overtaken Isabella's mind, there was absolutely no way that she could hide this key awake for the rest of the day, she absolutely needed to go to the attic in that very moment. Not paying attention to her surroundings and those around her, Isabella headed straight to the staircase at the base of the attic, despite only being there once before and it being an accident that she found herself there, Isabella found it again with ease as if she was drawn there, or was it the key?

There was no pause to think about whether this would be a good idea at the bottom of the stairs, Isabella had a need inside of her, a need for information and the answers that it would bring. There was some fear at the top of the stairs in the moment before Isabella placed the key in the lock, the key in her hands felt as if it was pulsating as it glowed in the darkness, Isabella watched it for a moment before sliding it into the lock, she twisted the key and gently pushed the door open as if expecting something or someone to jump out.


Isabella takes a tentative step inside, she flciked the light on and was shocked that there was so many similarties in this room the one she had in her dream, there was a table in the middle of the room with books on it, and boxes along the walls but it was relatively clean, Isabella had no idea where to start.

Letting her body decide, Isabella let her body take her to the far right corner of the room where a box lay with a layer of dust on top of it, blowing it all away there was nothing giving away what might be inside. Opening the box, Isabella saw one singular book with a leather front cover, she reached in and pulled it out, opening the cover Isabella saw list after list of names that seemed to have no importance at first until Isabella reached the last four entries.

Alexander Davis - 43 Years 

Isabella Moore - 18 Years - Deceased: Childbirth

Baby girl - Newborn

Baby Boy (Lucas) - Newborn

Isabella gasped, she had never truly thought where she had gotten her name from before, she had presumed it had been chosen when she had been left at the pack but now she knew, she was named after her mother, the mother she would never be able to know. It angered Isabella to see that her mothers cause of death had been documented as caused by childbirth when really it had been caused by those horrific men in charge of her care.

There were handwritten notes next to the baby boy's name, it only took Isabella a couple of seconds to realise this was of course her half brother, she said the name a number of times before reading the notes beside his name.

1. Shaddow Pack 2. Midnight Pack 3. Ever Green Pack

Isabella's breath got caught in her throat, was her brother in one of these packs? Was there really a chance to be able to find him?

Time passed without Isabella even noticing but she soon realised that she needed to continue on, there was still so much to explore. The next box was filled with books similar to the ones on the table, they seemed to have the common theme of information about werewolves who had no reaction to silver, this would explain why Hunter and Jackson had never been able to find books on the topic as they had been in the attic all this time.

The next book had items in that seemed to have little to no importance, they were covered in a black sheen and had a smokey smell to them as if they had been in a fire but they didn't cause any feelings in Isabella, they just looked like possessions that had been found still somewhat intact at the end of a house fire, she placed them down and continued looking.

The next book had what seemed like hundreds of letters, it didn't take Isabella long to realise that these letters were from one sister to another, Daisy was writing letters to Daphne, they had remained unopened all this time - until that moment when Isabella had started to open them. They were heartbreaking as Isabella read Daisy pouring her heart to her sister begging her stop the crusade that she was undertaking with the King.

Isabella knew that if she didn't stop reading in that moment she would never be able to but there was something that was of important to her, on all the letter there was a return address, it seemed that it had been many years since any of these letters could've been written but it was at least a place to start as Daisy appeared to be the next piece of the puzzle. 

Deciding this was enough exploring for one day, Isabella picked up one of the envelopes and put it in her pocket, she turned the light off and firmly locked the door behind her.

Silver BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora