after i had gotten ready, i did my hair and some light makeup. i didn't like wearing heavy makeup like the other greaser girls in town.
i was always quick at getting ready, so this only took about 7 minutes, mainly because i already knew what i was going to wear for the day.

i walked downstairs and pony looked at me like he had never seen a girl before.

after he was done staring, he smiled his big goofy smile that made me puzzled.

y/n: "what- what's wrong? is it what i'm wearing? should i go change or-" but before i could finish, pony interrupted me.

pony: "no! no, you just look, wow." he said and sighed, still grinning.

y/n: i smiled in response and shook my head, "ok let's get going then."

soda: "byeeeee lovebirds, have fun!" soda said making kissing sounds.

pony's face got red and i just flipped him off while walking out the door, hearing the rest of the gang laugh at my remark.

it was kinda badass ngl.

anyway, i thought about it and realized, i never blushed. i don't know why? i would on the inside, but my face would never turn tomato red.
i guess it's a good thing most of the time.

anyways we were on the way to the park and i started humming a song. pony realized what i was humming so he grabbed my hand a spun me around.

at that point i was singing at the top of my lungs dancing around in circles while still walking. pony just laughed at me and would dance every now and then.

once we got there, i realized the sun was going to set in about 30 minutes. i could always tell how long it'd be until the sun was going to set for rise. i guess it was my special power.

y/n: "the sun's going to set in about thirty minutes." i said looking at the sun.

pony: "h-how'd you know that?"

i shrugged my shoulders and smiled at him.

he sat down and learned against a tree and motioned for me to lay with him. i went over to him while he was grinning and he reached out his hand.

i grabbed it and layed my head on his lap and my legs across the grass. we talked for a while and then i realized he had brought a speaker with him.

i walked over to it and put a disc in playing one of my favorite songs. it started playing and i grabbed his hand and he stood up. we started singing and dancing while he spun me around.

i wish this would last forever. i wish.

we were laughing, singing, dancing, all in one.


pony stopped me and brought me into a kiss. it was better than our one last night. like, way better. his hands were on my waist and i wrapped my arms around his neck.

we pulled back with the music still playing in the background.

pony: "how?"

y/n: "how what?"

pony: "how'd i get so lucky?" he asked me.

y/n: "you know, i've been wondering that same thing." he just smiled and stared dancing with me again.

pony: "wait right there." he said walking over to the other stuff he brought.

i shrugged and went back to dancing. i heard the click of a camera and turned at him. he got the most perfect picture of me dancing with my hands in the air, capturing my silhouette even though you could still see some of me in it since the sun wasn't setting just yet.

pony: "ha gotcha! i'm keeping this one forever."

i smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. he somehow managed to snap a picture of that too. man, how is he this sneaky.

i turned my head to the camera and just laughed. we went back to the tree and sat how we were before, with my head on his lap.

we talked forever and watched the sunset.
after it had gotten dark, we walked back home dancing and singing again.

having the time of our lives.

it started to pour and pony grabbed my hand and started running. we laughed and ran the whole way back with the rain hitting our faces like bullets coming down.

we ran into the house laughing our asses off. everyone looked at us confused.

soda: "so, i'm guessing it went well?"

pony and i looked at each other and smiled.

"it went great." we said together. pony brought me and him a towel. we sat down on the couch cuddled up in our towels.

darry, surprisingly, went to turn on some music to break everyone's silence and turned it up loud so the whole neighborhood could hear us.

pony sat up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up to dance. we all danced and sang. then soda pulled me aside because we had gotten a lot closer recently. he had become one of my best friends.

we started singing together, back and forth. they all stared at us cheering us on.

(pretend slim shady was a song back then.)

y/n: "and there's a million of us just like me
who cuss like me, who just don't give a fuck like me"

soda: "who dress like me, walk, talk and act like me and just might be the next best thing, but not quite me"

y/n: "'cause i'm slim shady, yes, i'm the real shady all you other slim shady's are just imitating"

soda: "so won't the real slim shady please stand up"

y/n: "please stand up"

soda: "please stand up"

we both laughed together while everyone else cheered and we all kept singing my favorite songs.

i got tired to pony brought me to his bed and he cuddled me up and we fell asleep together.

it can't get much better than this.

falling for a greaser (ponyboy curtis x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now