Chapter 2 - New Roomates

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Groggily, I open my tired eyes as I hear a loud banging on the door of my dorm, what time is it? I glance at my alarm clock, 5:30?! Oh god has Jefferson found out it was me who egged his dorm?
"What the heck is that sound?" My boyfriend mumbles sleepily from the bottom bunk.
"Someone is knocking at ze door" I whisper, crawling down the ladder and tiptoeing to the noise, quickly slipping on a pair of joggers.
"Who is it?" I ask tentatively
"An old friend?" A muffled voice replies chuckling

A voice that I've missed so much. A husky voice with southern drawl. I practically rip the door off it's hinges in excitement.
"JOHN!" I cry pulling him into a suffocatingly tight embrace, wrapping my arms around his shoulders "I 'AVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"
"I've missed you too laf"
I pull away and notice a short boy, rather cute, stood next to my friend. He could be no taller than 5"7 and yet he holds himself in such pride. I already like him.
"And who may zis be?" I smile extending a hand
"Alexander Hamilton" he grins, shaking my it "I'm your new roommate"
"Ah yes! We were told we were getting a new roommate! come on in!"

As I plop down on Hercule's bed, I point Alex to his. It's been weeks since we've heard from John, ever since he started dating Charles Lee, an awfully obnoxious boy in the year above he hasn't met up with us once. I understand that he probably just wants to spend time with his boyfriend but we've just missed having him around so much.

"John how 'ave you been?" I hug him for the 10th time "how is Charles?"
"Good. Great, he's um... great yeah" he looks at his lap, I instantly know something is up
"Who's Charles?" Alex inquires whilst unpacking his clothes
"My boyfriend" John almost sighs, I swear at the word boyfriend I see a flash of disappointment in Alexander's eyes.
"I'm sorry I didn't see you more..." John looks up at me with tears in his eyes.
"John we understand!" I chuckle "you wanted to spend more time with Charles, that's brilliant"

I pull him into another hug, this time around his waist instead of around his shoulders and I hear him gasp in pain. I pull away and notice him wincing, as if I embraced a bruise?
"Are you okay John?" Hercules asks, also noticing his discomfort
"Yes, thank you I'm fine" he stands up abruptly "I really should get going-"
"But you've just got 'ere" I try to persuade him to stay
"I know, if I could stay longer I would" his face goes white "I really have missed you"
"John please stay-"
"I can't, I've already been gone too long" he mumbles before hurriedly leaving the room.

About 10 seconds after he's left Alex looks at me and Hercules quizzically.
"Is he okay?" He asks, his big blue eyes filled with concern.
"No... no I don't think so..." I confess
"Is Charles a nice person?"
At this me and Hercules laugh
"He is awful. We never understood what John saw in him" Hercules chuckles

I'm starting to think Charles Lee is slightly more than just an arrogant asshole, the way John winced... the way he was scared of staying too long...
"Anyway Alex tell us a bit about yourself" I say trying to change the subject, "what are you studying mon ami?"
"I'm studying law" he beams proudly
"Awesome! Just be careful of Lafayette's cousin Thomas Jefferson, he isn't a great guy" Hercules nods
"Okay right. Steer clear of Jefferson Alex" he mumbles to himself "what does John take?" He asks, absentmindedly plucking a loose thread on the bedsheets. He flushes crimson when he notices Hercules and I share a glance "a-and you two of course I wasn't just asking for John-"
"- John takes marine biology" I laugh cutting off his ramblings
"The dudes obsessed with turtles" Hercules chuckles, making Alex subtly smile to himself.

As we talk with Alex throughout the morning he grows on me even more, I can't help but think how perfect he is for John. I don't know what's going on with him and Charles but it can't be good.

We have to help him.

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