The Fight Between The Partner II

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Pov Jasmine
I was already fed up with Aitana cheating on me and that she never had the fucking courage to tell me to my face, now I understand why she gets on badly with her, because she told her

Jasmine: Vero knows

Aitana: What (Surprised)

Jasmine: If Veronica knows how to fuck

Aitana: Yes, she discovered me

Jasmine: That did she told you (Looking into her eyes with fury)

Aitana: Nothing (lying)

Jasmine: You're lying. (Approaching)

Aitana: No (nervous)

Jasmine: What the hell did Veronica tell you? (Grabbing her jacket)

Aitana: Let me tell you and you know I didn't, because I don't have to give you explanations (Pushing her)

Jasmine: We are supposed to be a couple, but I can see that we are not

Pov Jasmine

Already. I got tired of her, she would only want me to fuck and on top of her she warned her and ignored her, because now she has to mess with who she shouldn't do.

Jasmine punches her across the face from the anger that she was accumulating for many years, aitana gets angry and hits Jasmine making her nose bleed

Jasmine: You're a whore (Hitting her face again)

Aitana: And what? (Hitting him on the lip)

Jasmine: You are no longer anyone to me (throwing herself on her), nobody (Hitting her even harder)

Pov Mia

I was about to come back when someone called me and he told me that two girls were fighting roughly at the entrance of the club and that one of them was bleeding too much, so I decided to go there and I couldn't believe it.

Aitana and jasmine were those who were fighting until I had to immediately call the police and after half an hour they arrived

Guerra: Good afternoon miss

Mia: There are agent

Guerra: Thank you very much

Jasmine: Get the fuck off bitch

Aitana: Never until you come back with me

Jasmine: In your fucking dream (On top of aitana now)

Guerra: Enough is enough, Andrés take her to the police station

Andrés: Immediately, miss, come with me (Arresting her)

Guerra: Jasmine calm down

Jasmine: Ana (hugging her) War: You are safe

Mia: You're okay

Jasmine: Now yes

Guerra: She will never touch you again

Jasmine: Shit vero warned me

Guerra: You never pay attention to what Veronica tells you

Jasmine: I have no idea (Crying)

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