A New Beginning in Malaga

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Pov Natalia

It was a Sunday afternoon, I travel alone in the ave to my destination Malaga, because I was going to meet a friend. When I finally arrive at Malaga, I didn't know anyone so I started walking and suddenly I don't know how I accidentally bumped into a girl who was very nice since she apologized to me

Jasmine: Did you hurt yourself­? Sorry, I didn't know I was doing (Hand on the back of the neck)

Natalia: Calm down, I'm fine (Looking into her eyes)

Pov Jasmine

It was a terrible Sunday since one of my roommates called me at down to go and look for her friend who would come today in the morning from Castilla y Leon, who would spend two months with us. I had no choice but to get up at 5 am to shower and leave the flat at 7 am in search of the girl, so arrived and located the car in the parking lot.

I quietly walked through the ave station looking for the girl, but I didn't find her and accidentally bumped into someone without realizing

Jasmine: Did you hurt yourself­? Sorry, I didn't know I was doing (Hand on the back of the neck)

Natalia: Calm down, I'm fine (Looking into her eyes)

Jasmine: Wait, I'll help you (Holding out my hand)

Natalia: Thank you (Accepting her), I don't know this, I'm new, I just got back from a long trip

Jasmine: Ahh, I'm enchanted, Jasmine

Natalia: I'm Natalia (Smiling at her)

Jasmine: Well, I have to go, it was a pleasure talking to you (Leaving)

Natalia: Anyway (Watching the girl)

Pov Natalia

I do not know what was happening to me, I felt electricity run through my entire body when a felt her touch whit mine, my heart accelerated with each word she said.

I call my friend because she took a long time to look for me

*Conversation between Natalia and Veronica*

Natalia: Veronica, where are you?

Veronica: I told you I couldn't look for you today

Natalia: Then what am I supposed to do?

Veronica: I sent one of my companions on your search

Natalia: How am I going to know who it is?

Veronica: I will send you a photo of her *Photo Sent*

Natalia: Wait a minute form me to meet that same girl

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Natalia: Wait a minute form me to meet that same girl

Veronica: that is my partner jasmine who was in my place, I will call her and you will meet where you crossed paths

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