"No one will support her. She will be doing the punishment I assign. Its my duty to discipline students of my house ", his voice raised bit more than usual "And you, don't you dare disobey me. You will be there from this day. Is that clear Ms Rokwood? "

She noded her head ,"Yes sir".

Severus stormed out of there without giving a chance to Umbridge to deny the arrangement.

Umbridge stood still looking at him, she didn't dare to interrupt his angry words and that was what Severus expected. Umbridge looked at Lia "Well then I guess you will be serving detentions with Severus. Looks like he can discipline you better than me".

Lia bit her cheeks hard trying not to laugh, faking a disappointed or feared look. She was happy, how couldn't she be, that meant she don't have to do Umbridge's detention, instead she got opportunity to spend time with Severus.

Umbridge left with triumph of her victory, but didn't realise she failed hard there, before Severus' brilliant plan.

"That was like you got promoted from one hell to the next, won't be any better with that git" Harry said to her.

Lia clenched her fist, if he know what Severus is like.. You don't know him Harry.. You just don't know..

"Better than Umbridge in all aspects. Excuse me, I am off to library", she stood up as she don't want to hear them insulting Severus anymore. She saw that Fred and George were looking at her intently as she left.

All of a sudden as she turned around a corner a hand pulled her to a corner. She found herself against a wall, her way blocked by the twins.

"What are you two doing? "

"What was that in the hall, between you and Snape? " Fred asked arms crossed on his chest.

"You were there, you saw what happened. He was angry at me and gave me a detention " .

"Do you think we believe in that? We very well know that you will never fail in your works. So whatever accusations Snape made doesn't make sense "
"Yes and we have been noticing the change of your opinions and attitudes towards him. What is going on exactly? "

Lia's eyes widened in surprise, she hadn't told them till now. She thought she was able to hide it, she don't know how Severus will react if she tell them the truth.

"Actually he was helping me to escape Umbridge's detention ", she said "He know what she was doing, so.. ".

"I told you " Fred exclaimed to George who was shocked.

"Snape was helping you... Lia.. Don't be angry... But are you two.. You and Snape... a thing " George asked unsure.

"Yes, we are ".

Her answer was another shock to them.

"How long? "

"Since last year. But is that really obvious? I tried to keep it secret, you know we can't risk it, he is my professor "

"Not really, not at all. But we know you well, so just able to notice the minute changes"

"Still.. You and Snape! "

"Please stop it. Don't let it out"

"I can't believe this Freddie" George said faking a cry "There was a girl who told us she will die than being Snapey's girlfriend.. I miss her.. "

"I miss her too Georgie" Fred said holding George, like he was consoling him.

Lia shook her head in disbelief, "You two are impossible "

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