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Harry's POV

Everyone waited for his answer. I looked at the head table and saw Professor Snape and Sprout watching us. Not just us but the whole table. They had proud expressions.

He looked straight in my eyes and asked, "Does it matter?" Does it? I don't mind it. I mean this is what I wanted, right? To be friends with him. Before I could answer Draco spoke up.

"Of course it matters! You have been a right git to Harry since the "Choosing". Now all of a su-" I stop his ranting right there.

"Draco calm down. Blaise, he does have a point but I won't push you. In fact it's all I've been doing since the first day. Thank you for being kind." I give him a small smile. He looks at me just like he did that day. The blank emotionless look. His enchanting eyes are now more dull than before. Was it something I said?

"Lunch is almost over." He stands. "And I'm going to be the first one back to spin the wheel."It slowly dawns on the rest of us the meaning of his words. And just like that the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were racing for the common room. It was pandemonium. You could faintly hear the laughter of Professor Snape and Sprout. OH and Dumbledore yelling after us. Laughter echoed through the great castle. I love it here. I never want to leave.

Back in the common room we were all bent over catching our breath. And Blaise, though he had a head start, wasn't the first. He was in the top ten though. I started off pretty weak and ended up making back in third place. All that Harry Hunting paid off.

"Not so cocky now are you Blaise?" I can't believe I just said that. He glared at me. Oh no, oh no, oh no, I made him mad.

"Still cocky, I'm sure I could win a race against you Harry."

"You're forgetting who just won against you Blasie." I smirk.

"Yeah that was just luck."

"I won't need luck to win against you Zabini."

"Is that a challenge Potter?"

"You challenged me first." Merlin only knows where this confidence came from. I won't mind if it stays though. I loved every second of it. If only I could stand up to Dudley and his gang like this.

"Okay break it up you two. We don't want a fight breaking out." Fight? Were we going to fight? LIke a duel?

"Chill Marcus we were just playing. Though I will beat you in a race." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, when pigs fly."

"We are wizards Harry." I smack my head. I completely let that slip my mind. Everyone laughs as they take their seats. And the Professors walk in with semi stern faces. Greengrass was about to spin the wheel when Snape spoke.

"That was very Gryffindor of you all. I'm a little disappointed in my snakes. You all know better." Sprout elbows him in the side.

"What he's trying to say is, we are happy to see you all bonding and having fun." She looks in my direction and smiles. Snape sighs fondly.

"You will all do well to remain on your best behaviour. The headmaster is getting quite tired of our antics." What does he mean by "our antics". Have we done something wrong? Will he send us home? No he wouldn't send ALL of us home. Would he?

Diane, a sixth year hufflepuff, voiced what I'm sure everyone is thinking.

"Our antics? What do you mean? Is having fun bad all of sudden?" Snape sighed again.


Severus' POV

That day after the troll "broke" into hogwarts I was called to the headmaster office. Albus said he had a few things to talk to me about. Merlin give me strength. Because muggles only know what this man wants to talk about. Walking up to his office after saying the ridiculous candy name made me loathe this meeting even more.


"Severus." And now to let the drama unfold.

"I believe you-know-who might be back." Did he just say? No that can't be.I'm hearing things.That monster. Cant be back. There has to be more. I was panicking but I refused to let it show.

"What proof do you have?"

"The Sorcerer's Stone. It's gone." I stared wide eyed at him.

"Surely there must be a more logical explanation."
"Severus,how I wish there was. But i fear this might be my fault." His fault. He continues.

"I had suspicions about Quirrell from the beginning and that night proved them. When he burst into the Great hall he pretended to faint.He screamed it like it was just a regular conversation. He fell reluctantly to the ground as if scared to hit it too hard. And since you weren't there. I sent Flitwhick to check the stone while the rest of us dealt with the chaos that ensured." He took a deep breath. And continued the story.

"When he never returned at the rendezvous time,I sent Minerva to go check on him. She found him paralzyed and the stone gone. Quirrell is also missing." No surprise there.

"So you believe Quirrell to be a follower of the monster or the monster itself?"

He shrugs."Both."

"Why did you even bring that cursed stone back here if you thought this was a possibility in the first place?" I'm starting to think this man an idiot.

"To test Harry.".

"Pardon?" Test Harry for what.

"I need to know that if the problem arises like the prophecy said he'll fight. If the prophecy is true he'll save us all."

"Albus, are you even hearing yourself?! He's a child! This "plan" of yours is deluded..Absolutely ludicrous." I stand up and make my way toward the door. I will not hear of this. He might have just put us all in danger to prove a prophecy.

"Why are the Slytherins hanging out with the Hufflepuffs?" I quickly turn around. Why does he want to know all of a sudden.? Oh yeah Harry's a Puff.

"It's odd seeing the Slytherins with friends out of their own house. Do you know why this is?"

No one else but the heads of Slytherin and Hufflepuff know about the Choosing ceremony.Now I'm seeing why. Albus would cancel the whole thing. For someone that preaches house unity he sure does have a twisted way of showing it.

"Can they not have friends outside their own house Albus?"

"Mhm, Harry needs to spend more time with the lions. Those snakes will be a bad influence on him. You of all people should know that." The audacity of this man.

"Not to mention those Hufflepuffs will make him weak." He can not be serious.

"And who would be better for him? Don't tell me. The Lions den. They belittle him and bully him and his friends. There's no way he'd agree."

"He'd learn to like it there. It's for the greater good." This man can not be serious.

"These antics will have to stop" Oh dear merlin what is it now.

"And just what are these antics you speak of?'

"Between Harry and everyone else he frolics around with. He needs to stop it.You need to stop it." At this I look at him blankly.

"You want me to stop a child from making friends and having fun?" He nods. He's really lost it.

"Oh and Severus, the snakes have been out of the dungeons a lot lately. The lions are scared. Could you keep them in line?" What the fuck?!

  End of flashback

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