Chapter 5 > You're My Sanity

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1 week, 3 days, and 18 hours. That's how long it's been since Jake had seen Alex back at the airport. How many times had he started at the contact saved as Alex on his phone? Countless. How many times had he wanted to call and hear her sweet voice. Multiple times. How many times did he put down the phone without dialing her number? Every time the thought of calling her came to mind.

The restless nights made him feel like a dead man walking. The nightmares wouldn't stop. Every time he closes his eyes he is tormented by the things he saw in the war. Jake couldn't remember the last time he had slept. Every time he tried closing his eyes, he just woke right back up panting and sweating. As the clock ticks at night, he lies awake staring up at the ceiling.

It was 1 in the afternoon. Jake wanted to pour himself a shot of whiskey though he stopped himself. He couldn't imagine going down that road again. Other than going out to the bar every other night, Jake hardly went out. For some reason he felt like the walls were closing in on him. He needed to get out. Quickly he grabbed his keys long with his phone and shut his apartment door behind him.

She hated running. She always told him that she would rather have fries in one hand and a can of soda on the other hand and see other people run. Jake however loved running. Its something that has always helped him calm his thoughts. He wanted to run away from his problems. Only if that was possible.

But that didn't stop him from going for a run at the golden gate park. It was almost the ending of winter. However the weather today was warm. Then again Jake grew up in New Jersey up north. Winter up there was freezing cold. Surprisingly it wasn't raining like the past few days. It was actually beautiful like picture perfect. Taking out his phone, Jake blasted music in his ear buds, put his hood over his head, and started running. He ignored the happy family gatherings at the park.

He ran until he he could feel his lungs burning as he felt like collapsing. He stopped running, panting hard and sweating. He bent down putting his hands on his knees catching his breath.

When he is finally able to catch his breath, he takes in his surrounding.There were people out with their families. Some people were walking or jogging.

Jake looked at where the bench was. He smiles. This time he doesn't hesitate to call her. He dials her number and wait for her to pick up.


Jake smiled. "Its me. Turn around."

Far at the end where the benches were, the girl sitting on one of the benches turns around. Her eyes fall on him. Even from the great distance he can see she was shocked to see him there.

He starts walking up to her while she was still on the phone. He laughs at her surprised expression. "Don't worry, I wasn't following you."

Alex rolls her eyes. He reaches her and sit on the bench beside her. But there was enough distance for both of them to keep their composer.

"What brings you out in the park?" She asks.

Jake was still panting just a bit. "I was running."

"Typical of you."

He didn't understand what she meant by that.

"Oh jeez! Jake you smell! Ever heard of deodorant?"

He puts his arm up and smells his arm pits. It does smell. Of course it does. He has been running for while. Though he wasn't going to give Alex the satisfaction.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He tells her. "I smell nothing."

Alex makes a disgusted noise. Jake couldn't help but laugh. "So what are you doing out in the park?"

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