Where It All Started

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~ Your POV ~

I found myself reading about magic in an empty compartment on a train to Hogwarts smiling from ear to ear. I had been awaiting this moment for so long. It felt as though time stood still as I opened my Hogwarts letter in from of my parents. Then while saying goodbye it feels as though it couldn't have gone any faster. That was probably the hardest part, saying goodbye to my parents. But I know that I will be seeing them again when I come back. And I will tell so many stories about my adventures at Hogwarts for my first year. But saying goodbye to my brother was even harder. He was absolutely everything to me, Flynn Evanders. And having to be away from him for a year felt like torture. But he said "You'll be just fine without me for a year, Kara. The year will fly by because of the many friends you will make. Then you won't even think about me, not even for a second. And I promise when you get back I will be right in this spot with open arms." Oh how he made me feel so safe. He was my best friend. Flynn was only a couple months younger than me. But the couple months made him not come with me this year. When I heard that he couldn't come because of his birthday I was devastated. Just the thought of my brother not coming made me feel as though I would not be able to live throughout the year. But him, he made me go. No matter how much I fought against it he pushed me. I know I'll live through the year by owling him. So with that I am now on my way to Hogwarts.

My eyes looked up from the book I was supposed to be reading before my thoughts pulled me out of it. Looking up I saw two boys peeking their heads in. One with flaming red hair and light freckles all over his face with a bit of dirt on the side of his nose. The other had messy raven hair, emerald green eyes, and round glasses that had broken in the middle of it.

"Hi, erm can we sit here there seems to be no more compartments and this seems to be the only one that's not so full." The raven haired boy said.

"Hm." I hummed as I fully turned my attention to the two of them. "Oh um yeah, yeah of course!" I said cheerfully looking back down at my book as they walked in and sat down in front of me.

"I'm Ron" the red-haired boy started as he held out his hand. "Ron Weasley."

Looking up I replied. "Oh! I'm Kara Evanders nice to meet you!" Facing the raven-haired boy I continued. "And you must be Harry Potter, correct?"

Looking surprised he replied "Y-Yeah um how did you know? Not that it's as surprising. It seems as though people already know so much about me than...well me." He mumbled the last part, which I think was to himself.

Chuckling I said "Well yes, people would know a lot about you. You are Harry Potter, the 'boy who lived', 'the chosen one', but that is not how I recognized you. I've heard a lot of stories of your mother and father from my mother and father, Vera Evanders and Clark Evanders. I've always wanted to meet you not because you were famous but because your mother and father sounded great when I heard the stories about them so I suppose I guessed you would be just as great as what I heard about them.
You look even better than I could have imagined." I said smiling.

Blushing he replied. "Your parents knew mine?"

"Yes, they were good friends, my parents and yours." I said still grinning at the thought of the stories I've heard. "Quite the story tellers, my parents. Good-no great stories too. All about how our parents and some other of their friends would prank people." I continued while nodding. Harry looked as though a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders. I was glad I was the one to help him.

When Dark There Is Light//h.p.  |ON HOLD|Where stories live. Discover now