"I'm actually from Pennsylvania. I moved here for the job. My sister Maddie came a few months ago. I think you guys would get along. You have more in common than you know." He informs me.

"I'd like to hang out with her sometime. I didn't get to introduce myself the other day." I reply.

His face turns up into a smile. I'm not sure the reason, but I enjoy the view regardless. We continue talking about everything and nothing at the same time. At one point we are both drowning in tears of laughter. It is only when I get up to check on Christopher that I glance at the clock on the wall of the living room.

"Buck, don't you have work tomorrow?" I ask, lowering my voice when I see that Chris is asleep and curled under Eddie's arm. 

"Yeah but I'm not really worried about it." 

"Would you be if I told you it was 3 am?" 

I hear mumbled cursing and a clanging sound. I can practically see his long limbs knocking into the table as he tries to stand. I laugh under my breath at the thought. 

"Hey, can you help me with one more thing before you go?"

As soon as Buck lays Chris down on his twin sized bed I start to take off his shoes. Buck picks up his comforter and gently lays it over his body, tucking it in around him after a moment. He sighs and places his hands on his hips, seeming to stare at Chris in wonder. 

"He's a cute kid, huh?" I state, walking to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

"He's the best kid. You know, I'm almost jealous. He's so happy all the time. I just wish I could have a little bit of that innocence back from childhood." He replies, never taking his eyes off of the kid. 

His eyes meet mine as I say, "Don't we all." 


The boys let me sleep in a few days later and when I wake up the house is empty. I take my time getting ready, and relishing in the silence. I decide to take a nice bubble bath. I soak for a while before grabbing the kids strawberry shampoo sitting on the edge of the tub. I silently remind myself that I'll need to buy my own toiletries soon. I can't deny that it smells really good though. I finish rinsing my hair and stand to drain the water when my phone rings on the counter. Wrapping a towel around me I step out and onto the bathmat. Reaching out, I grab the phone and see Buck calling.

I answer, "Hello?"

"HEEEEY Mabel, I just wanted to say I had fun last night and, hey?" He pauses, "Are your allergies bothering you? I think the pollen is like mutating or something?"

"Are you drunk?" 

"NOO, I'm at work silly. Oh Eddie, It's Mae." He replies, the end obviously not towards me.

"Mae!" Eddie's voice floods in. "You gotta get down here. There's tiny homecoming queen's everywhere and a scary lady has handcuffs." He states, his tone switching from awe to tears in seconds.

"Hello, who is this?" A third voice cuts in. It unlike the others which are slurred, is a curt ladies voice.

"Uh, I'm Mabel. Eddie's roommate and I guess Bucks friend." I answer. I'm now completely confused, soaking wet, and only wearing a towel. 

"Listen, Your friends are higher than a kite. I'm going to bring them back to the station in twenty five minutes. Can you meet me there so that I can pass them off to you?" She asks, but it sounds more like a statement.

My response is that I need to get dressed and I'll be on my way. Before hanging up I hear a voice echo.

"OOh, so she's naked?" followed by,  "Athena, Eddie's crying."

After that the call clicks to and end. 


I wind up taking an Uber to the fire station, and ignore the strange look I get from my driver. It would have taken too long to walk anyways. I thank the stranger when I step out of the car and onto the pavement. There are cars surrounding the building and a small red head with a camera. They have the camera angled up towards the roof where I can see Bobby standing dangerously close to the edge, waving his hands wildly as he talks to a woman police officer. Deciding to put that in the back of my mind I make my way through the garage doors in search of my boys.

They are perched on the bench of a workout machine. Buck resting his chin in his hands, his fingers resting on his cheeks. I trail my eyes to Eddie who is sniffling and trying to explain something to Buck. 

"Hey guys, long day?" I say in the sweetest voice I can muster without laughing. I know they must be having a rough time, but this is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

"You don't even know the half of it, sister." Buck says, rolling his head across his shoulder blades. 

"They locked me up, Mae. Put me in handcuffs. I thought I was going to die." Eddie cries, as Buck pats him softly on the back.

"Yeah, but they took them off now, right? It's all good. Love and peace and prosperity my guy." Buck says, trying to hold up a peace sign to Eddie who swats his hand away. 

"Heeey, It's Taylor!" 

I turn around to see the petite redhead from earlier approaching us with her camera man. I haven't a clue who she is, but she gives off bad vibes. I reason with her that they are not in a state to be representing the LAFD on camera she reluctantly agrees to turn it off. She begins to dote over Buck, taking a seat on the other side of him and talking in a low voice. I take the chance to drag Eddie towards the lockers, intending for him to grab his things. I take a seat on the bench while he clumsily collects them. I can tell he's starting to come down a bit because he's being rather quiet and the whining has stopped.

My gaze fixates on the pair still talking in the other room. Taylor throws her head back laughing as Buck plays with her fiery hair. He's no doubt saying something he will regret in the morning. Part of me wants to pull him away, but the other part of me is filled with jealousy. I feel ridiculous at the realization that I only met him a week ago. I long for someone to look at me that way, and laugh with me like that. Buck seems like such a good man, and any girl would be lucky to get to know him.

"You like him?" Eddie asks, plopping down next to me on the bench.

"I don't know Ed, I barely know the guy. I just want someone to want me. It's been a long time since I've been cared for."

"Well, I'm probably not your Mr. Right," He continues, "But I can be your Mr. Almost Right For The Night." He jokes before dissolving into loud laughter. 

Okay, so maybe he's not coming down. 

Our shared laughter draws the attention of Buck and we lock eyes. He looks sad, almost disappointed. Instead of acknowledging it I simply stand and make sure Eddie is set before we leave for the day. Eddie instinctively reaches for his keys as we walk between the firetrucks, but I snatch them from his grasp.

He stops and turns, towering over me. I give him a 'try me' look, and he decides its best not to argue. I reach and wrap him in a hug, knowing he needs it.

"AWW, look at them." A voice shouts from the ambulance parked nearby. Hen sticks her head out of the door, looking at us with a pouted lip. 

We swiftly break apart and head for the exit after noticing everyone staring at us just like the day I arrived. I don't have to turn to feel a pair of eyes burning in the back of my head. We leave, and I make an effort to not turn my head to see those sad blue eyes looking back at me. 

Hold The Line -Evan Buckley-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon