Recovery and Oh no, she's here

Start from the beginning

Kei can tell she was still upset about everything that happened.

"I'm sorry for putting you through that, Nobara. The same to you, Megumi.." He looks at his friend. "I know everything that happened still hurts, but I'm here now. And if you want, I can promise you right now that this won't happen again."

He continues.

"It's not like I wanted this to happen.." He retorts, before taking out the card out of his pocket. He shows it to her, the card she gave him along with the gift. "And

"Besides, I had to live. What would you guys do without me in the Kyoto event, right?"

Gojo intervenes, "Don't be so hard on him, Kugisaki. I know you were worried but Kei is a strong kid. He ain't gonna let some stupid ass demon take him down, eh Murasaki?"

"I was just worried," She now calmly says. "But I am glad to see you here."

He looks at her with a smile,

"Same to you."

Maki nudges Megumi,

"Yo, are they dating or what?"

Megumi looks at her confused,

"No, why?"


The two hug it out and Nobara invites Megumi in, the three first years bundling together.

Megumi plants a hand on his hair, ruffling it a bit.

"Welcome back, Kei."

"Thanks Megumi, it's good to be back.." He pulls him tighter.

"And, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive m-"

"There's nothing to apologize, Megumi. I would have felt more guilty leaving you alone, you know."

"I couldn't save Yuji, Kei. And I was scared of losing you."

He shakes his head,

"None of this is your fault. No one at all.."

Gojo clasped his hands, happy to see them all reunite. He sneaks a photo with his camera.

'Yuji has got to see this'


Gojo left, leaving the kids on the field. Said he got some important business to do at his basement. 

'Man what a weirdo' 

'Who knew the first years could be so depressing,' Maki mused to herself but a lightbulb popped on top of her head.

"Hey guys, I have an idea!"

"Tuna?" Toge questions as Panda and the other first years looked at the girl with the glasses.

"Let's celebrate Kei and his recovery! I know this chinese restaurant we gotta go to!"

"Salmon! Salmon!" Toge puts a arm in the air and Kei nods,

"Same! That sounds so good right now. The hospital food was kinda crappy.."

Everyone all makes sounds of agreement when she mentions the type of food.

"Maki senpai, you ARE the best!" Nobara cries out, hugging the upperclassmen who smirked at the affection.

"Heh, I didn't say I was paying for all of you. Well, except for Kei of course.."

Nobara cries,

"Uhhh whyyy, Maki senpai.."

Despite the money issue, they had no problems with going. Everyone was just so happy to see an elated Kei, chowing down on a bowl of stir fried noodles.

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