I said as I begin walking away. I felt Shoto touch my shoulder, it was the left one, he realized which shoulder it was and pulled his hand away, apologizing. I give him a nod. He then hugs me, and I hug him back. I then look at his classmates that were sitting there, I took a deep breath.

"I want to pass this to you guys, I know there aren't many of you here yet, but don't let rumors of nonessential things ruin your time here. Some may be jealous of you and how you got here. Keep your head high, you're our future's next generation of heroes."

I explained to the few people within the classroom. They all looked at me with widen eyes before nodding their heads. I give them a nod before leaving the classroom.

I was heading towards my classroom and I saw Nejire, and Amajiki. They were standing at their lockers. I waved towards them. Nejire excitedly waved back and Amajiki shyly waved. I decided to go to their lockers instead of going to our classroom. I let out a long sigh,

"Rumors have already began spreading and class hasn't even started yet."

I explain to them with my eyes rolling. Amajiki frowns, not liking the rumors. He's always disliked it when people would say rude things to me. He's actually told people to stop once, but obviously that didn't help. Some assumed I had forced him to say that. Whatever that meant. Nejire shakes her head,

"You know they're just jealous of you, don't let that bother you okay?"

She grips my shoulders and forces me to look at her. She already knew it wasn't effecting me, but she also wanted to make sure that i wouldn't let it. Sometimes when rumors would spiral up about me, they noticed that I would disappear from them and not talk to them. This happened a few good times in our first year and it took a lot for them to finally understand what I was doing. Mirio made it clear that he didn't care about those stupid rumors.

The people who started the rumors were most of my classmates who were jealous of me. Sometimes it was our senpai's and it was beyond ridiculous. Aizawa-sensei was quick to put these rumors to rest. I knew this year he was in charge of Shoto's class, hopefully it goes well for the sleeping bag.

"Hey where's Mirio?"

I questioned looking around for the bubbly blonde. Amajiki looked for him as well before looking behind me. I was then lifted up out of the air and I just gave Mirio a glare,


"Yes really Sunshine! I'm so happy to see you again!"

He sets me down and turning me around to give me a proper hug. His arms were over my shoulders, as mine were underneath his. He was tall compared to me, and he held me close. He then puts me on the ground and I just roll my eyes. I gave him a ghost of a smile, it's hard to smile, it always has been. Ever since Touya had died I hadn't smiled. The group has yet to see me smile, and they don't mind. They were able to see happiness within my eyes.

"Let's make this year the best year ever!"

I could hear Mirio say. I shake my head as the bell rings. The four of us then began to walk to class 3-B. I was almost tempted to shadow behind them and be behind like I always was, but Nejire noticed and wraps her arm around mine. We all walked towards our class with tons of looks coming our way. A few them whispered about how powerful the four of us looked. They were new to the school and for once I felt appreciated. As we get to the class everyone welcomes us. It felt weird to be welcomed rather than just stared at. I remember entering this class halfway through last year. They had welcomed me with open arms and were glad to discover that the rumors weren't true. Of course this class only had about 11 students within it. They all got to know each other well as there weren't many of them. I was the 12th student to be added.

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