m e e t i n g n e w p e o p l e

182 11 2

word count: 1042.


felix alternated between staring at the ceiling, to the older, aimlessly scrolling on his phone and trying to sleep. it was 4:30 am at this point and felix felt the older moved around. "yah, felix, are you still awake? dumb question i know but." felix heard the older say in a tired voice, felix turned over and looked at the older.

"yes, i'm sorry if i woke you." changbin shook his head quickly, "no no, i just woke up and wanted to see. i'm sorry if i worried you, uhm maybe we can take a walk? walk a little longer than normal?" felix knew it wouldn't help but the younger agreed since he enjoyed feeling the night air and quite ness of the city.

both boys got out of the bed and put shoes on, changbin locked the door as they walked outside, "so changbin, where to." felix gave a bright smile and the older returned the smile, "follow me." felix complied and 30 seconds in the older grabbed the youngers and started walking quicker, felix felt annoyed since he wanted to enjoy the night but let the older do what he wanted they had to come back to the house anyways.

after about 15 minutes of walking from the city to the beach changbin finally let go of the youngers hand and did a little tida moment. felix looked up and saw a cute little cove type thing, "oh wow pretty, how'd you find this place?" the younger asked the older, the older shrugged, "my ex and i used to walk along this beach everyday and we'd stray further and further until we found this place." felix nodded, "what happened? did she break up with you?" changbin laughed, "yes he broke up with me but that was 2 years ago so it's whatever, anyways i come here to think or to get inspiration." felix felt bad for being insensitive. "ah i'm sorry changbin, that was an insensitive question to ask." the older laughed and shook his head, "don't apologize."

the two walked closer to the cove and sat on the litte rock like bench that looked out towards the water, the silence was loud but it was a nice silence, just listening to the waves crashing. until the younger broke the silence, "so what do you think about when you come here?" it was a vague question but it was nice small talk. the older shrugged, "i'm not really sure i guess what i should've said was i usually come here to get alone time and away from the city and all, i come here when i need inspiration for my raps which isn't really needed when it just usually comes to me naturally." felix nodded understanding what he meant.

the two sat in silence for a little longer, it was around  9:30 am now until chnagbins phone broke the silence, changbin picked up and felix tried to listen in but ultimately failed. changbin ended the conversation and sighed, "well felix, do you wanna meet some of my friends?" felix smiled and nodded as the two headed back towards the older house.

the two made it back to the house as a group of 9 boys where waiting outside changbins house, "finally you've gotten back what took you so long." this small loud boy yelled as he walked towards the two, "sorry jisung, i told chan that i was at the beach, i guess he didn't let you guys know?" changbin sighed as he looked at the oldest guy of the group.

the small boy who initially walked towards them made eye contact with felix, "you're pretty! who are you?" felix smiled, "hi, my name is felix." all the boys looked at felix and jisung was wide eyed, "how many times did you hit puberty?" felix laughed at this statement and started joking around with jisung, he could already tell he was going to get along with jisung.

changbin walked to the front door and unlocked it as the group made their way in, most of the boys went to the kitchen to get snacks and changbin looked at felix and asked him to pick a movie so he headed to the living room and a boy also followed felix, "hi! my name is jaemin, you said your name was felix right? it's nice to meet you!"  felix smiled at jaemin and nodded, "it's nice to meet you too." "this might sound weird but you look familiar, aren't you that dude that san was with for a really long time?" felix's smiled went away, "you know him? and yes we were together for abt 3 years." "i don't really know him, i just know of him, anyways let's pick a movie." felix felt better knowing jaemin wasn't friends with san and nodded along with him to find a movie.

the group made their way to the living room as they all crowded together, changbin made sure to sit next to felix and hand him the popcorn bowl that was in his hand, felix thanked him and started eating some. "so what did you pick?" jisung said loudly as him and another boy started to cuddle and share a blanket, "me and jaemin picked saint maud, scary i guess." the boys nodded in agreement and pressed play. as the movie started changbin started to whisper in his ear, "that's minho, he and jisung are together, the really pretty dude with long blonde hair and the guy with short black hair is hyunjin and seungmin they are together too, we also have jeongin and chan, neither of them have bfs yet and then jaemin, hes single because he's a player, so just in case you've became interested in him, i'd suggest to steer away from him." felix looked back at the older and got close to his ear, "i don't fall for people that easily, plus i don't exactly trust him just yet, he knows san" changbin nodded and directed his attention towards the tv the younger did the same without realizing how close both of them were together.

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a/n; hi! m sorry for the long wait and i'm sorry this wasn't the best chapter but i hope to update more often now!

strawberries and cigarettes - changlix ff. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن