Chapter 20 Surprise!

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In the morning I woke Harry up by kissing him. He kisses back and smiles.

"Happy birthday!" I kiss him again.

"Thank you." His dimples flashing he sits up in bed and stretches. He gasps when he notices the room is totally decorated. "what did you do?"

"Oh this is just the beginning Mr. Styles." I smirk and pull him out of bed. I open the doors and everyone yells, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Louis and Liam are holding up a banner that says happy birthday. Harry is definitely awake now.

"You guys! This is great!" He wraps his arm around me and hugs me.

"Happy birthday mate! We know we have a concert tonight but we still have the day to make it about you." Ashton tells him. The bus is parked in an empty parking lot.

"Where are we?" Harry asks.

"Newport Aquarium. The concert is in Indianapolis so I thought this would be a nice place to visit for the day. We bought it out so we have the place to ourselves." He grins like a kid on Christmas.

"This is more than perfect." We all go inside and start at the tide pools. Harry picks up a horseshoe crab and wiggles it at me. I let out a little yelp and tell him to put it down. He laughs and does as he was told. After petting most of the animals in the tide pools we get lunch at the food court. After raiding the place of basically all their food we go to the 'ray bay.' We pet the stingrays as they swim by.

"Ooh they're so soft!" I exclaim.

Harry laughs and nods as he touches one. After that we go to the shark tunnel. It was dark and the only lights were from the tank above. Massive sharks swam all around us. I gasped as one got really close to the glass. I look at Harry but he wasn't looking at the shark he was smiling at me.

"What are you looking at?" I ask.

"You." He flashes his dimples. I feel my cheeks burn.

"Why me? I mean you could have any girl you wanted why me?"

He seems shocked by my question like the answer was obvious. "Well for starters you're absolutely gorgeous. Second you were never afraid to be yourself around me I could tell."

He was right of course. Sure he was cute but something about him had always felt natural, lik home. I nod and he kisses me. I stand on my tip toes to get closer to him. He lifts me ever so slightly till I'm standing on his toes. We pull away when we hear voices coming from the entrance of the tunnel. It's Anna and Ashton.

"Hey we should probably get going." Ashton tells us. I nod. Harry and I link fingers and follow them out.

It Had To Be You...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin