Chapter 9 : Akihabara moves in Mie, Kansai Conflict Begin.

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"I've been asking soldiers in every borders area to keep an eye whenever you pass by, the governor of Nagano and Gifu also will welcome you so stop by there for a while to rest"

"I understand, Nee-san"

"Also, don't continue the trip when it's already night and you're passing in a forest, and whenever you feel something strange, quickly go to the nearby city"

"Nee-san, I know it, stop being like that" Yumiko scoff at Sugai, the Queen got overprotective whenever she worried about her little sister.

"Alright, I'm sorry" Sugai then turns to her sister's bodyguards "please take care of my little sister, and I pray for your safety and success"

"yes, Sugai-sama"

General Habu who also accompanies Sugai there, approaching Yumiko "if something bad happens, sent message to us, I'll send my best army to help you"

Yumiko nodded "I understand, well, we'll leave now"

Yumiko along with her 7 bodyguards rode their horse to Shiga, the princess didn't want to ride a horse-cart as if it's just slowing their trip.

Sugai then comes back to the castle when she's informed that the herbals she requested already gathered.

In Nogi's capital, Queen Shiraishi is having chat with Saito Aska.

"so how is your trip in Chuugoku?"

"Chuugoku is a massive country, lead by one dynasty for generations, and have warlords to help to lead in every region, if I may speak, my Queen, there's no much difference between this land and Chuugoku"

"you think so...?"

"yes Shiraishi-sama, it's just for what I've learned about their history, Chuugoku have their dynasties being thrown by their own people due to corruption and power-hungry, it's not uncommon for the warlords to usurp the throne"

"sounds about right, well, we have 4 different kingdoms here who rule the land separately.....that aside, actually what I want to hear is how were you and my daughter there, Aska-san.." Shiraishi asks with a smile

Aska confused "I'm afraid I don't understand it, Shiraishi-sama"

"well I heard yesterday she calls you 'Aska-kun' when nobody's around so..."

" because the princess think of me as a friend"

Shiraishi smiles again while sipping her tea "Aska-san.."


"you should know that neither I or Nishino-kun can lead this kingdom in the future, I'm sure Yuki already told you"

"...yes, my Queen, I understand"

"Mukaichi-sama, I bring news, our army in Wakayama are currently fighting against Hinata's in Mie"

"so, Mogi decide to attack Hinata first? What about Osaka?"

"our additional troops will take care of Osaka"

"good, let's hope it's in time, any news about Keyaki?"

"no, ma'am, it seems they stop their movement in Kyoto"

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