Chapter 5: Nogi takes Niigata, Queen Sugai's Real Plan

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Kyoto, the army led by Hirate Yurio finally able to break through and take control of Kyoto's prefecture after weeks of being hold by Akihabara's army, Hirate takedown Kameyama castle as the last defense of Akihabara in Kyoto

He then focused his main force in Fukuchiyama city and sent a hawk messenger to Keyaki that Kyoto now is under control and Hirate needs reinforcement to guards the whole prefecture before he can continue his campaign.

One of his soldier report to him.

"Captain, a scout reporting that Akihabara might attack us as revenge"

"I understand, they probably will send their army by sea, that's why we're in Fukuchiyama, well then everyone who has enough rest shall take a position in the harbor and try as hard as you can to camouflage among the civilians"

"Yes, Sir!"

Yamanashi, Risao got the message from Hirate and quickly reporting it to Sugai

"Kyoto has been taken, that's good"

"Hirate also asks for reinforcement Sugai-sama"

"ah yes..." Sugai seems to think for a bit "this campaign might take a bit of time, sent him 30.000"


Inside the prison of Keyaki's capital castle, the bandits. Hono and her friends are seen grumping about their fate.

"do you think they will hang us?"

"Chukemon! For God's sake, I already pissed to share a cell with you now please stop talking something stupid" Inoue screams at her friend. Those 5 were divided into 3 different cells with Fujiyoshi Kai in 1 cell alone.

"haaah, sorry guys, this is all my fault" Hono sighs in regret.

"it's okay Hono, besides all of us are also part of the plan"

"yeah, we did things together, and even get punishment together"


The prison's door open, it's not lunchtime yet, they don't know who's entering until the person shows themselves.

"aah, so it's you guys who kidnap my sister, you all still young indeed" that person is no other than Sugai.

"e-eh..?" Hono and the others are shocked, what does a Queen doing here, and she's alone "Queen Sugai.?"

"ara, you know me, well that makes thing easier"

"wi-will you execute us?"


Sugai laughs in amusement.



"or...I can give an agreement"


"right, well during that night, I intentionally lowering the guard in the castle due to my sister's request but, still your bravery and how you able to kidnap her, is indeed taking that as consideration, I want to offer you to work for me"

"eeehhhh?" the 5 bandits are surprised with Sugai's offer that sounds so appealing, at least they given chance to live.

"work for you?"

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