In the land of God's and monsters. ..

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"Oh my God, he isn't replying to my goddamn letters," America whined dramatically to the wife of the president of the United States..

"-Seriously, girl, the f*cking sexual tension between me and him was real! I still can't forget that "

The woman sitting on the other side of the table cringed.

"Oh God America, if you don't be quiet the working class below us will hear"

"- Mrs, he was eyeing my neck and you know what in hindsight that was kinda hot~"

".. ugh"

America kept replaying the memory in his head whilst looking out of the small window in the private jet.

It was the memory of the night that occured a fortnight ago, where America dined with the Soviet union in a fancy, elitist restaurant in Switzerland.

It was to discuss country stuff.
But, at some point, it got tense.

Like, touching shoes under the table, leaning closer in and prolonging eye contact. America was already feeling kind of weird about it all then the SU suddenly muttered something weird to him-


"America, you should be careful of that old man, he's getting crazier by the year. Like, he knows he's going to die soon."

"Yeah I guessed that! Ugh. He has f*cking kids, right?"

"Yes, he had them for an unusually long time now. Too long. Makes it harder to tell when he's actually gonna kick the bucket"

"Sh*t, seriously?"

"Yep. He has a ton of em typical eastern European future independent little chunks of land. His eldest, however, well, I've heard some things about that one."

"Emm, eldest? Who're they?"

The president's wife chuckled a bit into her glass before responding.

"Hes around your age, maybe even older, I'm not sure how that works. It's Russia. Takes after his sh*tty pops, be careful of him. Especially once he becomes independent"

America leaned back in thought, with a smirk playing at his lips.
He heard of that guy Russia before, he's the biggest piece.

Kid of the SU, huh. Then I'm bound to meet him eventually, that will bring some new scenarios to mess with- he thought to himself deviously, licking his lips.

New toys to play with in the game of international power stealing to America is...


Literally everyone knows America is over confident, extremely cocky and loud and way too full of himself, he knows he is and doesn't care.

And he's very rude.

People report seeing him being mean to the waiters and overall leaving behind him a trail of chaos and broken things that people just need to grin and bear for the sake of negotiations.

He likes to always have a big smile wherever he goes, and is very expressive in every way especially with his arms when talking.
He literally has a big mouth, its literally quite big for his face.

You'll hear him before you see him.

And when you see him, one will instantly feel the immense chaotic power the country exudes.
It's impossible for someone to comfortably look into his eyes when hes not wearing sunglasses. He looks insane and oh it does strike fear.

"So annnyyyyyyy .. insider information on the Russia dude? What's his character? I bet he's a lame alcoholic HAH- LIKE, I CAN CRUSH HIM, YEAH?!"

"Keep it down! I have no idea, literally, no one has ever seen the guy," She scoffed at America, uncrossing then crossing back her legs in slight irritation.

"Huh? But you've seen him right?"

She nodded, swirling his glass of white wine in thought. She leaned in, staring piercingly into the man's arrogant face.

"Only once. The look in his eyes told me everything. Don't be a fool."

... hah. Sure.

The private jet was about to land, and the president's wife took her final long sip of her drink. She knows damn well that America is going to f*ck up everything once he meets that boy. It's inevitable. At least she warned him to be careful.


When a country human for whatever reason becomes unsuitable for the country they are replaced. This occurance is unpredictable, it is something the land decides, and the country human will always recognise when their time is up.

The new small kiddie replacement country human will always arrive at the doorstep of the old soon to be replaced country human. They must be allowed inside the humble abode because they must be nurtured and taken care of, its the rule of the land itself, and the country human that will be replaced will wait for their death whilst the new one grows and matures under the guidance of the other.

The Soviet union freaked out when children, country after country, began arriving at his doorstep. He began to be paranoid of his oncoming death, but for some reason, it just wasn't coming. So, for now, all he has is his family.

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