𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞

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"Put the console down and go outside." Todoroki, demanded.

"No, why don't you go outside and set a kid on fire or something."

"N/n, come on we're on a trip, go outside have some fun!" Mina, whined. With summer break coming, they prepared a few plans as a class and now they were able to do them. The class had made enough money to go to a hotel and spend time together.

"Tokoyami, is literally right there, go bother him." Not once did she look up from her console.

She saw her console being snatched away by tape and she was now on someone's bare shoulder, who was quite muscular. The person had thrown her unto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Izuku, put me down!" She tried wiggling out of the boy's grasp.

"No, we're on vacation, you can play your games anytime, have some fun without your console." He scolded her.

Sighing, she allowed the boy to carry her, outlining and connecting the freckles on his back with her fingers. She felt the sun against her skin as they stepped out from the shelter. She squinted her eyes trying to get used to the bright light.

"What are you doing?" She asked, with a bored tone.

"We're going to the beach where everyone else is!" Unlike her, his voice was filled with enthusiasm.

She groaned. She was tired from the trip coming to the hotel and now she was being dragged outside, in the hot sun.

"F/N!" Someone called notifying her that they had reached where the rest were. Midoriya, placed her unto the ground and sighed. The girl waved at Kirishima, and walked closer to the group.

"You're lucky your strong, I could've dropped." She mumbled to him.

The boy slightly blushed and chuckled.

"Yo n/n, where's your swimsuit?" Denki asked.

"Ah shit, it's Izuku's fault, he just took me up and carried me out here."

She decided she wouldn't just sit and do nothing while she was on the beach so made her way back to her hotel room. She changed into the swimsuit of her choice, got a towel and headed back down.

Oh boy, Midoriya, was glad the sun had already started to burn him because he could blame his very obvious blush on the sun. Come on F/n, you're making this very hard for me.

He stood in the salty water and watched the girl as she walked to her friends. He looked at her skin which only made his blush worse. He couldn't help but notice how good her figure looked in the swimsuit. Her s/c skin completed the color of the swimsuit and her beautiful h/t hair was in h/o/c.

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