Alexandria's p.o.v
I was laying on the couch and it was really uncomfortable so I was tossing and turning a lot all night. I managed to get a few hours of sleep but woke up really early and realized I had to go to the bathroom. I pulled the blankets off my legs and rolled off the couch, holding onto the edge till my feet hit the soft carpet. I looked over at the bed closest to me and saw Starlin curled up against Ashton's chest and on the bed farthest away I saw Luke laying there his back facing me. I walked up to the door and grabbed the handle and pulled. I slipped out of the door and walked into a really big room with a couple couches and chairs and a glass table and a big tv. Along the wall was a bunch of other doors down a hall way. I walked up to the first door and opened it quietly and peaked in. I saw two beds and I think I saw Harry and I don't know the other guy, I think he said it was Louis or something like that. I slowly shut the door and kept walking and went up to the next door and opened it slowly. This time I saw three beds and I saw a guy with black hair(Zayn) in the next bed I saw Niall and in the last bed I saw a guy with brown fluffy hair(Liam). I slowly shut the door again and went on to the next one, now I really had to go! I opened this door the same as I had the others and saw two beds. I saw a guy with bright pink hair(Michael) and another guy on the other bed had black fluffy hair(Calum). I shut the door and tried to wobble as fast as I could to the next door and opened it...finally! I found the bathroom. I went in and shut the door behind myself
Luke's p.o.v
I woke up to the sun shining me in the face
' back is towards the windo...stupid mirror' I groaned and rolled over looking at the blinds angrily as if if I stared at them long enough they would close. I slowly kicked the blankets off and rolled slowly of my bed. I stood up and walked sluggishly towards the window. I got there and looked at the sun for a moment then slid the blinds closed. I turned around to head back towards my bed but stopped in my tracks when I looked at the couch and saw that Alexandria was no longer there. I ran around the room looking for her and calling her name quietly. I ran out of the room and searched all the other boys room, waking them up in the process
"It's no use! She isn't here!" I exclaimed slumping down onto the couch. All the boys but Ashton, who was still sleeping, came over to comfort me
"Wait...has anyone checked the bathroom?" Michael asked
"I didn't"
"Did you?" the guys started talking to themselves. I jumped off the couch and ran down the hall to the bath room
"Alexandria?" I called knocking softly. When there wasn't an answer I opened the door and my heart melted at what I saw. Alexandria was curled up in a ball on the bathroom mat sleeping soundly. I bent down and scooped her up and brought her back to me and Ash's room and laid her into my bed and pulled the covers over her
"Sleep well Alex" I said kissing her on the head
" everything alright?" Ashton asked in his gruff morning voice and turning his wad towards me
"Ya now it is, Alex fell asleep in the bathroom and have me a heart attack" I whispered quietly while chuckling
"You really care about her don't you?" He asked smiling, his eyes barely open
"Ya...I feel like me and Niall are like her protectors in someway and if anything happens to will be our fault" I said walking over to his bed and looking down at Starlin
"That makes since" he replied quietly
"You really love Star don't you?" I asked smiling at her and running my hand through my messy hair

Taken In
FanfictionWhat will happen when Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, and Ashton Irwin from a hot new Aussie band called 5 Seconds of Summer happen to go to the park with some good friends of theirs, the boys from One Direction and stumble upon two sma...