Chapter 4

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Areum's POV:

-1 month later-
            I had honestly thought after four years I would have moved from Seonghwa....but when I bumped into him at the club last month....I realized I hadn't. The moment I saw him all the memories came back....good and bad. When Seonghwa and I were still together we used to get in a lot of arguments and disagreements about dumb things....but we would make up right after, and act like nothing had happened. But even though we made up I felt like it was effecting the way everyone worked together in Ateez...thats one of the reasons why I left. Also something that I've started to that....something feels different when I'm around Jisung, I hope its not what I'm thinking it is....I already have enough things to worry about (since running into Seonghwa last month).

Its around midnight and I was in the shooting range....letting my frustrations out. "Why did I have to run into Seonghwa last month? Why am I starting to have feelings toward Jisung? I didn't agree to get into relationship problems, I agreed to this so I can pay off my debt!" I think to myself , as I shoot the target. After I had finished my round and turned around, Minho was leaning against the door frame. I jumped not expecting someone to be standing there "Oh my god, you scared me. How long have you been standing there?" "Not long, but I have been noticing that you've coming down here a lot recently." "I just have had a lot on my mind." I confess, putting the gun and protective eye wear away and throwing away the ear plugs. "You've had Jisung on your mind recently?" My eyes widen in shock "I have know idea what you're talking about." I say "Oh come on Areum, It obvious that you have feelings for him. Just admit it." "I-I think I'm gonna head back to my room." I say walking to the door "Areum....At least say something to him."  Minho suggests, I slowly nod my head.

I sighed in frustration as I shut the door to my room "I didn't agree to this deal to start relationships. I don't know what to do." I thought to myself as flopped onto my bed "Maybe tomorrow I'll try and find that information I came the first place."

                                                                                            -The next day-
     We're having another meeting this morning to discuss our next mission, and I have no plans in running into another members, knowing I'm back (when on said mission). When I entered the meeting room everyone was already sitting in the chairs, I sat in an amity chair between Changbin and Seungmin. "The reason why I called you all here is because...since Ateez haven't made a move, we're going to. We need to find out who their allies are; since this is a stealth mission Changbin will take the lead this time. Areum, Jeongin, and Jisung will go with Changbin and the rest of us will be monitoring the four of you. We'll leave later tonight." Chan says.

                                                                                           -Later that night-
           I don't know why but I feel more nervous this time, than I did the last mission....maybe because there's a higher chance of me running into other members; which is something I don't want to happen. Once the van was parked a little bit away from Ateez's base; Jeongin, Jisung, Changbin and I started to walk to their base. "If we're here to find who their allies exactly are we going to do that?" I ask curiously "Usually mafia groups have a file that keeps records of other groups that they've had alliances with." Jisung explains "And if they don't?" "Then we'll have to think of something else." Changbin says. After a bit of searching for an entrance we found an unlocked window that lead to a bathroom; the four of us went through one at a time. "Ok, I think we should spilt up. Jeongin your with me, Areum and Jisung you go together. Just remember that there are guards walking don't get caught." Changbin says opening the door very carefully and checked to see if anyone was there, then he looked back at us giving us a signal that no one was there; the four of left the bathroom quietly.

Changbin and Jeongin went to the left of the bathroom, while Jisung and I went to the right. "Maybe we should start in the leaders office." Jisung suggests, I nod in agreement. As we were walking to Hongjoong's office I heard footsteps coming in our direction "Jisung....someone's coming." I say in a panicked tone, Jisung looked around for somewhere to hide; when he had found a place he grabbed my hand and we quickly (but quietly) ran to a door that was at the end of the hallway. When Jisung opened the door it was literally the smallest closet I've ever seen; Jisung went in and pulled me in while shutting the door. We were so close together that I could feel him breathing and he could probably feel my heart beating like crazy. After a few moments of complete silence had passed, Jisung slowly opened the door. Soon we were out of the incredibly small closet and continued on with the that didn't just happen. In the end we found Hongjoong's office, searched for a bit before finding the file with all of their allies. We heading back to the bathroom and left through the same window.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been rewatching the MCU movies (I'm currently on Infinity War) and I've been busy with school (stressing over it cause it's getting close to the end of the school year). I'll try to post chapter 5 tomorrow. Anyway, thanks for reading, have a good day/night.

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