As it is, the details of their relationship have been kept private. Harry revealed in an interview that his first kiss was indeed Louis when he was a teenager, but he said they didn't get together until a while later. The number of months they had been 'together' for before his coming out have not been disclosed of, and neither how it happened. Jeff's magazine got their big exclusive of course — the first kiss pictures and direct quotes from Harry about coming out to the world. There were not more than a few mentions of Louis in the article, which mostly regarded how supportive he has been through Harry's decision to come out.

It's still a thing in the press. Any time Harry's PR team drags them out for papped dates they are on the front page of magazines around the country, which is admittedly a lot less frequent nowadays than around the time of his coming out. As Louis has not been paid to do work since October, he doesn't work directly for Harry's PR firm anymore, and picture dates are by choice to participate. However, usually these days private photos have been used instead, and they haven't been papped together since January, probably. Harry's fans call it a dry spell.

Posting the picture, he garners a few thousand likes within minutes. It still feels a bit mad.

He takes a short moment to stare up at the ceiling of their bedroom, blinking at the purple paint

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He takes a short moment to stare up at the ceiling of their bedroom, blinking at the purple paint. It feels a bit like a galaxy, similar to the way Harry's Los Angeles bed feels like. There are white see-through drapes around this bed, but they have lavender sheets and a big fluffy comforter. Harry made him help with the remodelling in December. He wanted it to feel more like the house was theirs, saying it should look like both of them want it to. It's been a bit strange, moving from a tiny flat to a large, fancy London house, but he has gotten used to it. It feels like home the most when Harry is there.

There's a squeak from the bathroom that interrupts him, sounding like someone slipping on wet tile. He sits up, hair a bit on end. Saturdays are spent mostly in bed.

"Honey?" he calls, a bit of worry rubbing at him. "You alright?"

"Fine! Just a bit — jeez, Snoops!"

Louis stands from the bed, slipping out through the closed drapes and ambling toward the door leading into the bathroom. The next room is spacious and bright, a large padded seat in the middle, and the bathtub, where the action is currently happening, at the far end, large windows facing the their beautiful garden (which is rather pale at this time of year, to be quite honest).

Louis sighs, hands settling on his hips. "So, you're in the tub with the cat?"

They got a cat two months ago. Right. It's beginning to feel like she's been there all along.

"She kept shaking her fur. I got wet anyway."

She was mainly to keep Louis company — how pathetic, honestly — but he is starting to think of her as a family member these days. She's in yellowish orange, with large eyes and a pink little nose. She is not too mischievous of a cat, but baths are usually not welcomed. Harry is crouching in the ankle deep water inside the tub, having bubbles and soap up to his elbows. His rolled up trousers are soaked and patchy, his shirt left abandoned on the wet tile floor.

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