Prologue: ❦|[Restart Again]|❦

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(VioletHehe aka Violet Skye Miller. @LittleDaffy aka Daffyn Zana Rose .
IRAHDARIANIGHTMARRY aka Irah Daria Nightmarry)
[Yes, I know 'Our Stormcloud' but this Daffyn is me.]

Trigger Warning: Suicide


𝙳𝚊𝚏𝚏𝚢𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚅𝚒𝚎𝚠

Standing here on the edge of the roof top of this abandoned build we used to call our home before you met him. I don't know how I got here but I just wanted to finally see you again for the last time I would be here. I'm sorry for doing this to you. I felt empty.

I sat there watching as you, Irah Daria Nightmarry, took his name. You said your vows of love for him infront of everyone in the room. I sat there, as one of your two bridesmaids, watching as you kiss him sealing your love to him forever. I wish I was him. I didn't know what happened. I left my letter in my wedding gift to you. I'm sorry that I did this on your wedding day.

It was too painful watching the love of your life marry someone else, who you know isn't right for them but the love you had for him broke my very core. You screamed my name as took one step forward. I turn around to look at you, the beautiful bride, cry out for me. Your makeup is damaged from your tears as you and the others cry out my name. You and your husband tried to get closer but I took another step back.

I smiled at you. The person who made me happy and also the person I lost. I spread my arms wide as if to hug you before taking another step back, in a soft tone for the first time I managed to say 'I love you' to you. I let myself fall as I recall all the memories we had with each other. You scream, trying to reach out you hands to me but it was too late.

Your new husband pull you by your waist , making sure you don't fall with me. Falling now, I hear you scream in agony and lost. It's peaceful dispite the fact that I am currently falling. My body hits the old and rough pavement, cracking it. I feel my bones shatter and went out of place. I was in pure pain but I didn't make a noise even with the burning and cool painful feeling I felt.

Remembering your face, I smiled to myself as blood dripped from my head and my mouth, drowning me with the substance. I will see you in a another life, my love. Maybe then we will be happy together. I let my sight be covered with with the neon colors people see before they pass out before black splotches take away my vision. Forever taking away my life. I am so sorry for everything I've done. I hope you forgive me. I love you.

My body jumped up off the bed I was laying from. Was it all a dream? I look around my surroundings. It was the same small room I lived in with my toxic parents before moving out at 20. I look at my hands. My nails weren't painted black and my fingers were average and a little chubby not the long slender fingers that I trained to have during my 20s. I hold my hair realizing it's the same natural black and dark brown before I dyed it's tips light brown and red.

I stood up looking into a mirror that rested on the white desk of my small room. My eyes widen in terror. I was in the body of my 13 year old self. I sat there like fish out of water, trying to realize what is happening and why am I here. Then, I stopped and realize. I have might have the power to change the future. Infact, mine and Irah's future.

I hope this goes well. I need to work harder the actually have a future with her. Wish me luck.

◎❦◎❦◎ 𝔼𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒: 𝔻𝕒𝕗𝕗𝕪𝕟'𝕤 𝕃𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣◎❦◎❦◎

To my dear, Irah

      As you are reading this, I am currently at our old apartment complex. I know it's considered rude for you to open gifts before the wedding is over but thank you for opening this for me even if it looks rude. I have a confession to make to you.
      I, Daffyn Zana Rose is in love with you, Irah Daria Nightmarry. I have been in love with you every since we started to talk to each other again. I know that it was a long time ago but I was scared that you'd reject me. As you know, I fear rejection the most.
      I want to see you again for the last time. Please meet me at our old home for the last time. I want to see your beautiful face for the last time. Will you please accept my last and final request? I just want to see you for the last time before I am gone forever.
      With all the honesty within my heart, you were the light that kept me alive in my  tragic life. As you know, I came from a traumatic background unlike you. When I receive the invitation letter, I was broken to pieces. I cried and nearly wrecked my new apartment.
       In the small jewelery box that I gave personally you as a wedding gift contains a ring and a necklace that has another ring on it. I want to gift you my most praised necklace as a good bye gift to you. I hope you will wear it to remember me on.
      As for the ring, it's the symbol of my love towards you. I know, this is happening way to fast but will you wear them for me? I love you forever and always. Good bye, My Love.

                                   Daffyn Z. Rose

Author's Note: This alternate plotline was actually for a reincarnation fantasy book that I was actually trying to write but I thought it would also be good for this Yandere plot line. It actually adds a backstory instead of the born without emotions beginning of every yandere story book I saw. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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