Chapter 2

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A month had passed since the arrival of their new captain and things hadn't changed much.  He was quite grumpy and stern with everyone, he even asked Pruitt for advice on how to better integrate with the team and he said he needed to find the person he thinks led the team and bring that person to his side. Ripley was in the station today to talk to Sullivan.
Ripley: The response time of the 19 has improved since you've been here.  Your relationship with the team is practically non-existent
Robert: I'm trying;  I asked Pruitt for advice
Ripley: And that he told you
Robert: to find the person who leads the group and bring him to my side, in this way the whole team will follow him and they will come to my side
Ripley: Do you have any idea who this person might be?
Robert: I think Herrera
Ripley: Well then take her to your side
Robert: give me some advice. I mean you've known Herrera for a long time, haven't you?
Ripley: Since he was still wearing a diaper, why?
Robert: tell me something about her, about her father-of-a-child, everything you know
Ripley: Ryan, her son's father; he was her best friend since they were little he was also her first and only love
Robert: Did you know him?
Ripley: Yes, he was a good person. He always managed to make Andy smile and cheer her up;  since he died she hasn't been the same now she smiles and laughs but she doesn't laugh like with him. Look Sully if you want to take her to your side take it easy on her
Robert: Thanks Luke
* ambulance 19 *
Robert: it's me and Herrera
Ripley: be careful there is a very strong wind outside
Arriving at the scene of the accident Robert immediately recognized the street, it was the one where his wife had died;  they approached the patient and took her to the ambulance to medicate her.  Andy was about to start medication when their patient, Shannoh spoke up.
S: wait can you get my bag from the car?  Inside there is a necklace that my grandmother gave me
R: I'm going to get it
He was lost in thoughts of him when Andy called him on the radio.
A: captain I need your help
R: Herrera arrives
She went back to the ambulance to help Andy make the incision, the strong wind made the ambulance move and Andy couldn't keep her hand still so he decided to put his arm around her to keep her still; while she had her arm around Andy she felt a strange sensation, she felt safe.  After arranging their patient they decided to leave for the hospital but something went wrong, the ambulance rushed down the ravine.  Andy and Sullivan lost consciousness of her, Sullivan woke up before her and when he realized what had happened he started shaking Andy to wake her up.
R: Herrera!  Herrera!  Andy!  Wake up!
His heart was pounding as he put two fingers on her neck to feel if she was still alive, she calmed down for a moment when she heard the beats. He took her fingers from her neck and started shaking her again, she had shaken her two or three times when she began to revive.
A: I'm awake!  I'm awake!  Where we are?
R: the wind pulled us down. You and I have passed out, you have been passed out for longer you will have to get checked
A: Shannoh how are you?
S: fine but I wouldn't do it again
A: have you been awake all this time?
S: yes
A: ok, we have to dress her wound again and check it;  I will need your help so now I will free you from here
R: Herrera I can't move my legs
A: oh
Andy with a little effort managed to bring Robert back to lay him on the cot.
A: do you hear something now?
R: still nothing.  Andy what if I can't walk anymore?
A: don't say it even as a joke; you will walk again and all three of us will get out of here alive
R: how are you?
A: I'm fine
R: Andy you fainted for longer than me, you may have a head injury
A: I doubt there is a neurosurgeon walking out here
R: are you funny now?
A: sorry I didn't want
R: it is good to play down bad situations a little
A: Shannoh you how are you?
S: it burns my leg
A: ok now you control it
She checked the wound and noticed that she was inflamed
A: I will dress the wound again
After dressing the wound she began looking for the rockets to signal that they were there, in case the team came looking for them.  She was exiting the ambulance with rockets in hand when Robert stopped her.
R: where are you going?
A: to turn on the rockets
R: Herrera are you out of your mind?  You can't go up there in your condition
A: someone has to go, I'll be fine
R: be careful
She was climbing when she rolled downstairs, it took her a moment to get up and get to the top.  She had just fired the rockets when Robert called her over the radio.
R: Herrera are you okay?
A: I managed to turn on the rockets, now I'm going back down
R: get off carefully
While she was returning downstairs their patient went under arrest, Robert tried to revive her but there was nothing to do she was dead.  When Andy got into the ambulance and saw that she was dead she began to despair, she put the necklace around Shannoh's neck and sat down while they waited for someone to find them.
A: I didn't do it
R: you did well, don't feel sorry for yourself
She was falling asleep when she heard Robert throw something at her.
A: why did you do it?
R: you have to stay awake. Tell me something, talk about your child, about your life about what you want... you have to keep your mind busy
A: I got pregnant immediately after finishing the academy, we hadn't expected it but we were happy.  My father was a bit against he had never liked Ryan then he accepted it and when he was born he was delighted to have a grandson. When I returned home after giving birth there was a surprise waiting for me, Ryan had decided to make me the proposal that day; I said yes right away... we never got married he died before. My son on the other hand is the sweetest 4-year-old boy I know is my whole life. Now you speak
R: I met my wife on an ice rink, Luke had forced me to go there against my will; I was denied on skates and while I was trying to take a few steps on the track there was this girl who smiled at me and she offered to help me.  We skated all afternoon and in the evening we went for a beer, then we continued to see each other and fell in love. After we got married we wanted a child so much and Olivia arrived, two years later she died on the same road. Olivia looks a lot like her, ever since she was little every time she looked at her she reminded me of my wife.  Now that Olivia is 12, she is more and more like her
They heard a voice, it was Maya coming to save them;  they loaded both of them on the helicopter to take them to the gray sloan.  While they were on the helicopter Andy was holding Robert's hand, when they arrived at the gray sloan Robert was operated on and Andy was checked.  Dr. Shepherd had decided that Andy should be under observation all night.  The next morning, before returning home, Andy went to greet Robert in his room.
A: captain can I enter?
R: sure Herrera and call me Robert when we're not at work
A: I was on my way home
R: I have to stay here for four weeks; Olivia will be staying at Ripley's
A: good recovery
R: thanks
The adventures of the last few days had shocked Andy a lot, she was becoming friends with her captain.

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