Chapter 23: Investigating a Corrupt Crime Scene

Start from the beginning

The detective rushed up to us and presented a broken pair of glasses. Phoenix gasped as I nodded my head in agreement. This pair of glasses belonged to Lana Skye.

"This is the Chief Prosecutor's pair. It is broken due to the struggle" I reasoned as Phoenix nodded his head.

Before Phoenix and I could discuss what happened at the scene of the crime, the doors to my office opened as someone in an orange suit stepped in. He had a white streak of hair on his head, a pair of glasses. He had a tie. His skin is dark as his gray eyes looked at us.

"Ah! You two must be the defense attorney and prosecutor!" he said in a boisterous manner as he clapped his hands, "That is very good! The Turnabout Terror and Demon Prosecutor are working together to save the Chief Prosecutor! Truly! Something else!"

Something is odd about this. I wanted to tap the side of my glasses and figure him out, but I felt Phoenix place his hand on my shoulder. I glanced at him who held a panicked look on his face. I then noticed Detective Gumshoes had left the room. Odd.

"Ah, I am grateful you know us, but I'm sorry, I don't know you. Who are you?" Phoenix asked as he released my shoulder and extended his hand out to shake.

"I am the Chief of Police, Damon Gant!" he introduced with a laugh, "I came by to see how things were going, but I don't see a detective here!"

He noticed Detective Gumshoes's disappearance as well. Something is up.

"Well, it has been a while! I suppose I can lend a hand! I'll take a look at the crime scene for you!" he shouted in delight as he walked right pass us.

I have to speak with Detective Gumshoes. Something isn't right about all of this.

"I hate to say this, but I have to meet with a prosecutor on the matter. Please excuse me" I said as I took a bow and left Phoenix with the Chief of Police.

"Ah! Very well, Miles! It was nice to see you again! I guess me and Wrighto will handle everything here then!" Chief of Police Gant said with delight as Phoenix looked a little worried.

"I assure you it will not be long until I return. Please continue the investigations until I return" I said as I then departed from them and went to find Detective Gumshoes.

(Gumshoes's POV)

Prosecutor's Building, Break Room

February 2nd, 12:43 PM

Oh, come on, Dick! You know something about the chief! You're sure of it! Sigh. Why can't I figure it out? Something is going with the Chief of Police! Then, the doors to the break room opened as Prosecutor Edgeworth entered! I stood up and saluted to him as he sighed.

"Detective Gumshoes what is going on?" he asked as he faced me.

"Nothing sir! Everything is fine!" I shouted as Prosecutor Edgeworth sighed.

"Please do not make me use my ability Detective Gumshoes. We have work to do. Why did you leave?" he asked calmly.

I really can't hide anything from Prosecutor Edgeworth. He knows me so well.

"Well, it is about the Chief of Police" I said slowly, "I can't help it. I have this feeling that he isn't a good guy"

This seemed to surprise Prosecutor Edgeworth as he asked, "Did my sister say anything to you about this?"

His sister... Oh! Right Prosecutor Franziska! That's it!

"YES SIR!" I shouted loudly as I recalled something important and quickly grab his hand.

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesWhere stories live. Discover now