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George's POV:

After walking down the sidewalk, I finally reach my house. It's tiny and barely has enough space me me and my mom, but we make it work. We always figure out how to make something work.

     My mom is really magical... but lately she's falling ill. I'm always nervous to leave her in the house alone. She can't really walk on her own, so what if she gets hungry? I never imagined she'd get this bad. I really love her and I don't want to see her pass away like my dad.

     I turn the door handle and walk into the house. "Mom? I'm home!" I call out. I turn the corner and there she is! She tilts her head towards me and gives me a weak smile. I smile back but not without some sadness creeping into my body. She's having a hard time just turning her head. Is she ever going to get better? I think to myself for a second before I shoo it out of my mind. She'll get better. She has to.

     I take a can of beans we keep in the corner of the room. It looks like we're running low. I've always had a hard time finding a job I could do. I asked everywhere but nobody wanted me. Ever since my mom stopped working, we've run out of money.

     I quietly open the can while I watch my mom. After we finished eating, I quickly cleaned up any beans she dropped while I was feeding her and went to clean the spoons. That's when a bright ray of sunlight came right into our window. My mom squinted her eyes. She right in the middle of the sun.

     "I'm sorry mom!" I rush over and put a blanket over the window. My arm starts aching after a minute of just standing there.

Just a little longer... dangit.

     I can't hold this dumb blanket any longer. I set it down and I just stand in front of my mom. The sunshine starts to hit my face. At least I have these gla- wait where are my glasses?

     I put my hands all over my hair but turn up no glasses. I check my pockets, nothing. I apologize to my mom as I sprint out the front door, looking for my glasses. Oh no... where did they go.It was the only gift I was able to keep that was from my mom. No no no no no!

     I run down the alleyway. scanning the floor. I make it to the bakery where I finally give up. They're gone.

     Just my luck.

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