Cautiously, I approached the figure that was collapsed on the floor. I was about to knife a seemingly defenceless man in the back and I felt no shame. His fault for trespassing. But as I approached the intruder, I caught a glimpse of badly-dyed blonde hair beneath his hood. Wait... don't tell me...


I watched warily as the boy stirred, wincing a little as he pulled his hood back to look up at me. His cat-like eyes widened as they landed on the weapon in my hand. "Shiro, this is not Counter Strike," he said, shuffling back slowly into the corner, holding both hands out towards me, as if trying to calm a wild animal. "Please, put the knife down."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, confused as to why I woke up to find a stray cat in my bedroom.

"I... look, I can explain..."

"Wait. Stop. First things first, how did you even get in?"

"See, about that... I rang the doorbell and you didn't answer, but the window happened to be open, so I improvised and climbed in. Now please, drop the weapon."

"You really are a cat, aren't you?" I remarked with an amused smile, still holding the knife.

He eyed me suspiciously. "Is that a compliment?"

"Not sure. It could be, I guess." I shrugged. "Cats are intelligent creatures."

"Well, in that case, thank you."

"But then again, you clearly weren't intelligent enough to consider perhaps giving me a call before trespassing so... maybe not."

"How unfortunate," he muttered drily and slumped against the wall.

"I'm being serious, you know. If I hadn't noticed your weirdly coloured hair, I would've knifed you."

"Firstly, please keep my hair out of this." He scoffed, before looking away with a smirk. "And secondly, you wouldn't have."

"Yeah? And what makes you think that?" I took a step closer to him and knelt down so we were eye-level. How did this guy not understand? I had the upper hand here. A moment ago, I could've easily injured him.

Kenma titled his head up. His alluringly golden eyes stared straight into mine with a lack of intensity that contrarily radiated more power than any look ever could. "Go on, then. Stab me."

I was the one with the weapon in my hand and yet I felt strangely overpowered. In a situation that appeared to be in my advantage, no matter how I looked at it, I felt threatened by the scrawny, tired-looking boy slouched before me.

In an effort to regain control, I leaned forward and pressed the blade to the boy's pale neck. I positioned it against the jugular, the precise spot where I knew the most damage could be done in an instant. He knew it, too. I was certain of it.

However, Kenma didn't flinch. Instead, he continued to gaze at me with those dead eyes, that seemed as though they were bored of the world they were constantly seeing. Slowly, the corner of his lips tilted into a half-assed smile. "The trick is not caring whether you live or die."

I backed away. "Don't say that."

"Why? Don't act like you don't joke about it."

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍-𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 [Kozume Kenma]Where stories live. Discover now